

  • Piyush, Ben, Meleni, Natalie, and Liz graduate from RIT. Congratulations everyone!
  • Natalie passed her defense and is the first from our group to do so! Congratulations, Dr. Buchanan!
  • Poornima receives tenure and promotion at RIT! Looking forward to many years of research and teaching.
  • Mike and Poornima present at Upstate NY Soft Matter Workshop at Syracuse University in March.
  • Natalie and Poornima present at APS March Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.


  • Poornima presents at AIChE Annual Meeting as an invited speaker in Area 08A. 
  • Michael's first first-author paper was accepted in Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation's Special Issue. Congratulations, Michael, Natalie, and Brennan!
  • Elizabeth, Ryan, and Meleni join the group in the new academic year. Welcome everyone!
  • Maryalice, Sam, and Danny graduate from RIT. Congratulations all!!
  • Poornima and several faculty featured in RIT news as part of Squishing the Barriers of Physics.
  • Michael and Poornima presented their respective work at APS March Meeting at Las Vegas, NV.
  • Poornima's work with the Zia group and Helgeson group was published in PNAS.
  • Natalie passed her PhD proposal exam and is now months away from her dissertation defense! Congratulations, Natalie!
  • Piyush joins our group. Welcome, Piyush!



  • PI Padmanabhan will receive an NSF CAREER award from DMR-CMMT for work on "Chirality and Polymer Thermodynamics: Frustration and Amplification", collaborating with faculty at National Tsing Hua University and University of Massachusetts. In addition to research, she will collaborate with teaching practitioners at RIT to improve pedagogy and the undergraduate curriculum.
  • PI Padmanabhan, with Profs. Patricia Taboada-Serrano and Obioma Uche conduct a molecule dynamics workshop at the Annual Student Conference preceding AIChE Annual Meeting in Boston, MA.
  • PI Padmanabhan presents her work at an invited seminar at Ohio University.
  • Natalie passes her qualifying exam! Congratulations!
  • Hira, Ali, Emily, Lianna, and Mickaela graduate from RIT. Congratulations all!
  • Hira wins a Fulbright fellowship. Congratulations Hira! 
  • Lianna accepts grad school offer from Case Western University. Congratulations, Lianna!
  • Mickaela presented at APS CUWIP (American Physical Society Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics) in January. Recording of Mickaela's talk is available here


  • PI Padmanabhan presented at the WELCOME seminar series #4. Recording available here
  • Natalie's first first author paper accepted in Soft Matter. Congratulations Natalie, Hillary, Krysia, and Lianna! Link
  • Natalie presented her paper at AIChE 2020 Annual Meeting (virtual).
  • Melissa, Joules, Lauren, Fu, and Krysia graduate from RIT. Congratulations all!


  • PI Padmanabhan sets up a Computational Materials Research Nucleus at RIT.
  • Natalie, Duncan, John, and Logan graduate from RIT. Congratulations all!
  • Natalie joins the PhD program in Microsystems Engineering at RIT. Congrats, Natalie!
  • Duncan will be joining the PhD program at Vanderbilt University starting Fall 2019. Congrats, Duncan!


  • Natalie wins second place in the poster competition at AIChE. Congratulations Natalie!
  • Natalie and Duncan present posters at the 2018 Annual AIChE Student Conference in Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Natalie and Duncan present at the RIT Undergraduate Symposium