Douglas Meadows Named Head of RIT’s School of Mathematical Sciences

College of Science announces appointment to leadership team

Douglas Meadows

Rochester resident Douglas Meadows was recently appointed as head of Rochester Institute of Technology’s School of Mathematical Sciences.

His research interests include algebraic topology, algebraic number theory, discrete dynamical systems and orthogonal polynomials. Meadows has also conducted applied mathematical research over the years, including working on a fluid dynamics project for NASA and consulting with scientists from Xerox Corp. on solving problems with computer algebra systems. He collaborated with former RIT College of Science Dean John Paliouras to write the second edition of the textbook Complex Variables for Scientists and Engineers.

Meadows served as associate head of RIT’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics in 2001 and 2002. He has been elected twice to the RIT Academic Senate. He serves as the College of Science representative to the Academic Affairs Committee, which he has chaired or co-chaired for the past four years.

He received his bachelor’s and doctoral degrees in mathematics from Stanford University and his master’s in mathematics from the Courant Institute at New York University.

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