Delve Into Design One Week Workshop with Kids On Campus co taught with Carol Fillip 2017
Carol Fillip and I had wanted to create a design thinking workshop for participants in K-12 for a few years, and this opportunity with Kids On Campus was the perfect fit. We had a fantastic class of 14 participants in 7th and 8th grade.
Delve into Design's prompt was to have teams create the next "Big Trend" in a consumer category.
This 5 day workshop introduced participants to strategies and methods of design thinking to help solve all kinds of problems in daily life. Teams of 3-4 participants selected a category of consumer products and then began the process of identifying needs and problems, designating an audience, researching competitive products, learning about materials and form selections, creating names and branding elements, and finally presenting their findings to a panel of distinguished judges.
Along the way, participants had the assistance of several RIT alumni and students: Marcus Eisendorf, Eliana Jacobs, and Shahd Zuber were all super helpful to the teams.
Parents and friends attended the final presentation, and the reaction to the quantity and quality of work presented was enormously positive!
Top Honors: COOL IT
Wearable Cooling Technology
Also awarded Best Pitch
Pawllywood Hotels
Where your pet is the STAR!
Best research of materials
Entertainment on the Go
Memory device for your smartphone
Most on Trend in Industry
The Click-it Cleat
Best Concept
Great job and a great experience.