Evolving Internet Architectures and Challenges: What is missing in network protocol and technologies
Did you know that the IT industry’s energy consumption and carbon footprint are serious concerns in this world? Professor Nirmala Shenoy presented and addressed issues in the IT industry. She first explained the revolutionary growth of the internet- what are the network architectures? Network Topologies are the connectivity of networking devices, and she went through the details to address the issues of networking. In addition to these, she explained the causes of why/what technology contributed to the revolutionary growth of networks.
Then she explained how to tackle these issues networking faces, such as how she would make changes to network protocols, and explained the serious energy concerns of data centers. She also mentioned the issue of security and privacy from networking. In the end, she listed her publications and called for the collaboration of industry and researchers to solve the issues.
Check out the video at Evolving Internet Architectures and Challenges: What is missing in network protocol and technologies.