Honors Leadership: Southwest 2019 ( ITDI 101)
Honors Leadership: Southwest 2019 was an experiential learning experience traveling to various locations in the Southwest United States. The goal of the course was for students to form an understanding of how history, culture and landscape influence art, design, photography, film, and architecture. Students kept a journal of their experiences while traveling. Upon return, they proposed, researched, developed and produced a project based on their experience. I co-taught the class with Deb Kingsbury and Jack Beck.
Here are some examples.
"The Women Who Watch Over Us", written and illustrated by Haley King.
A written and illustrated short story about how the mountains are alive and watch over
the world. The story raises awareness about the injustices against the women of the Southwest, including women of diverse cultures such as Native Americans, Mexican immigrants, etc. The illustrations display the life within the landscape of the Southwest, from the swaying bushes on the ground to the looming mountains on the horizon.