May 20, 2015 2D Design II Faculty: Gina Ferrari Project examining manipulation and use of materialExpand this imageWarrenExpand this imageWarrenExpand this imageWarrenExpand this imageWarrenExpand this imageWarrenExpand this imageMolnarExpand this imageMolnarExpand this imageMolnarExpand this imageMcDowellExpand this imageMcDowellExpand this imageHausthorExpand this imageHausthorExpand this imageGillmoreExpand this imageSignorinoExpand this imageSignorinoExpand this imageMastersExpand this imageCurwenExpand this imageCurwenExpand this imageCampbellExpand this imageCampbellExpand this imageBollandExpand this imageBollandExpand this imageBollandExpand this imageMeekerExpand this imageMeekerExpand this imageWuExpand this imageWuExpand this imageSingletaryExpand this imageSingletaryExpand this imageMurrettExpand this imageMurrettExpand this imageWangExpand this imageWangExpand this imageWang