Packaging Design / GRDE 432 Paperboard Packaging Alliance 2019 Student Design Challenge
This packaging course includes senior graphic designers and industrial designers and sophomore-senior packaging science students working on teams. The Paperboard Packaging Alliance 2019 Student Design Challenge was to create a package for a video game in which the package was an interactive component of the user experience.Teams could select any existing video game product or franchise to use as a starting point. Teams were required to create innovative strategies to include the exterior packaging as a part of the gaming experience. This annual competition includes some of the best university packaging and design programs in the U.S. This year's Second Place honors went to RIT's Team Pacmen! Members included: Graphic Design: Torrey Dickman and Monica Steelman; Industrial Design: Chris Flemming, and Packaging Engineer Kelly Fellner. All current and previous winners of the competition can be seen online:
Team Pacmen
From left: Chris Flemming, Industrial Design, Monica Steelman, Graphic Design, Kelly Fellner, Packaging Science, and Torrey Dickman, Graphic Design.
This image shows the experience of unboxing the video game box. Users were challenged to locate coded cues hidden in patterns on the box in order to play the game.
This image shows the removal of the controller from its compartment. Note the image on the right. That is the hidden image area.