Packaging Design / Quarter System 463 Packaging Competitions
This course combines fourth year graphic designers, industrial designers and fourth year and graduate packaging science students who work on competitive teams to create packaging for national and international companies.
Packaging solution for Wegmans Barbeque Sauce Products. First Place Competition Winner 2012.
Graphic Design: Marco Fesyuk, Simon Jones and Tuan Tran
Industrial Design: Chen Guo Wei
Packaging Science: CJ Allessio and Sumeet Desphande
First Place Winning Team 2012 (Wegmans Barbecue Sauce Products)
The team from left to right: Sumeet Deshpande, Tuan Tran, Marco Fesyuk, CJ Alliessio, Simon Jones and Chen Guo Wei
Packaging solution for Wegmans Laundry Detergent. Second Place Competition Winner 2012.
Graphic Design: Jessica Crawford, Bailey Kennedy and Victor Santiago
Industrial Design: Dom Colaprete
Packaging Science: Katherine Bukys and Kai Lei
Packaging solution for Wegmans Organic Juice Products.
Graphic Design: Yuliya Novosad and Sheena Stuart
Industrial Design: Joshua Rivers and Katherine Sears
Packaging Science: Sanand Kullarwar and Joseph Nazarian
Packaging solution for Wegmans Crackers Products.
Graphic Design: Kristin Duhaime and Amanda Schmick
Industrial Design: Cornelia Martin and Jordan Pelovitz
Packaging Science: Dana Kinn and Paula Perez
Proposal for Planters Peanuts for sale in convenience stores. First Place Winner 2011.
Graphic Design: Victoria Julius and Andrew Lakata
Industrial Design: Isaac Alves and Marc Priddy
Packaging Science: Hong Ying Gu and Keelyn Nori
Proposal for packaging for Wheat Thins for sale in convenience stores.
Graphic Design: Diana Denton and Tarn Pisessith
Industrial Design: Jay Hhun Kim and Joe Lapke
Packaging Science: Nikhil Patei and Kun Zhang