Medication Services and Prescriptions

 A selection of commonly prescribed medications are available at the Student Health Center.

Although the Student Health Center does not have a full-service pharmacy and cannot fill prescriptions written by outside clinicians, we do stock a limited selection of commonly prescribed medications, including some antibiotics, some birth control pills, and some prescription skin creams. If a prescription is recommended by a Student Health Center clinician, students may purchase the medication in the Student Health Center, if available.

If a prescription is recommended by the Student Health Center but it is not available to purchase, our clinicians can fax your script directly to your desired pharmacy. RIT has many transportation options available for students to access a local pharmacy, or you can register for the Wegmans Pharmacy prescription delivery service.

To register for the Wegmans Pharmacy delivery service, complete the form below and return to the Student Health Center or Wegmans Pharmacy (Hylan Drive, Henrietta). Please do not upload the form to the RIT Wellness Portal or send via email.

Wegmans delivers medications one to two times per week during the Fall and Spring semester. 
During breaks, Wegmans will only deliver on Wednesdays

Important: Students who take prescribed medication regularly at home should discuss how to obtain refills while on campus with their prescriber and parents before arriving at RIT. Some options include obtaining refills while home on breaks or having them mailed to school.



If there is a medical emergency, call Public Safety 585-475-3333 or text 585-205-8333.