ASL-English Interpretation Associate in Applied Science Degree

Become a bridge of communication with an ASL English Interpretation AAS program. Connect cultures through sign language.

Overview for ASL-English Interpretation AAS

The ASL-English interpretation major prepares entry-level sign language interpreters for work in settings where deaf, hard-of-hearing, and hearing people interact and communicate. The degree allows students to develop foundation skills in interpreting.

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Curriculum for 2024-2025 for ASL-English Interpretation AAS

Current Students: See Curriculum Requirements

ASL-English Interpretation, AAS degree, typical course sequence

Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year
INTP-210 3
This survey course provides an introduction to the profession of sign language interpreting. Course content includes an overview of the history of the profession and professional organizations, interpreter role metaphors, the philosophy of practice within the field, and various work settings and protocols. Additionally, demand control schema is introduced as a critical analysis framework to uphold the values which serve the Deaf community and the linguistic and cultural values established in the field. (This course is restricted to ASLINT-BS Major students.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
INTP-215 3
The act of interpretation is a complex cognitive challenge. Isolating and mastering specific subtasks of the interpreting process is critical for the synthesis of these subskills in the process of translation and interpretation. This course is an introduction to the cognitive processing skills necessary for translation, consecutive interpretation, and simultaneous interpretation. The course includes an overview of theoretical models of translation and interpretation, the development of basic processing subskills that provide a foundation for translation and interpretation, and practice activities for the integration of these tasks in an 8-step discourse analysis process for translation and consecutive interpreting. Course content includes interpreting and translation theory, message analysis, visualization, shadowing, paraphrasing, dual task training, and text analysis. (Prerequisites: INTP-225 and INTP-210 or equivalent courses with a minimum grade of C and undergraduate standing in ASLINT-BS.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
Discourse Analysis
INTP-225 3
In this course, students will develop ASL receptive and expressive skills needed to communicate discrete paragraphs using complex connected sentences. At the end of the semester, students will achieve effective communication by using vocabulary, grammar, and cultural protocols for conveying details about less familiar topics at an Intermediate-Mid level as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Activities include delivering presentations and lab exercises that provide extensive hands-on practice using a variety of media. Students are expected to engage with members of the Deaf community in order to learn about Deaf co-culture in the United States. (Prerequisites: INTP-126 or equivalent course with a minimum grade of C and undergraduate standing in ASLINT-BS.) Lec/Lab 4 (Fall).
INTP-226 3
In this course, students will develop ASL receptive and expressive skills needed to communicate series of connected paragraphs using complex connected sentences. At the end of the semester, students will achieve effective communication by using vocabulary, grammar, and cultural protocols for conveying details about less familiar topics at an Intermediate-High level as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Activities include delivering presentations and lab exercises that provide extensive hands-on practice using a variety of media. Students are expected to engage with members of the Deaf community in order to learn about Deaf co-culture in the United States. (Prerequisites: INTP-225 or equivalent course with a minimum grade of C and undergraduate standing in ASLINT-BS.) Lec/Lab 4 (Spring).
YOPS-10 0
RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. (This class is restricted to incoming 1st year or global campus students.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring).
First Year Writing (WI)
LAS Perspective 1 (ethical)
LAS Perspective 2 (artistic)
LAS Perspective 3 (global)
LAS Elective
Wellness Education*
Second Year
INTP-310 3
This course introduces the English-to-ASL and ASL-to-English interpreting process with a focus on text analysis and consecutive production of an equivalent target language message. Compression and expansion strategies are introduced. Students develop interpreting management strategies and diagnostic assessment skills. Students interpret monologic and dialogic inquiry and narrative text formats while learning the interpretation process. Students also learn and integrate the features of biomechanics for interpreters to practice safe work habits. (Prerequisites: INTP-215 and INTP-226 or equivalent courses with a minimum grade of C.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
INTP-315 3
This course presents the underlying principles of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Code of Professional Conduct and other ethical content material, including the four core principles of service professions and how these principles apply to practice settings. This course exposes students to actual interpreting jobs and practitioners, providing students an opportunity to explore how professional interpreters weigh and balance these principles in their daily work and how Deaf and hearing consumers perceive interpreters’ decision-making skills. The course also addresses the distinction between normative and descriptive ethics and their impact on interpreters’ decision-making. Students will have the opportunity to explore reflective practice techniques as a means to develop ethical judgment skills, to gain critical insight into the task of self-regulation, and as a technique to engage in self-care. The ethical constructs of demand control schema will be used as the framework for decision making. Etiquette and protocols specific to each setting will be discussed. Settings include: K-12, post-secondary, religious, healthcare, mental health, DeafBlind, performing arts, legal, VRS, VRI, and business and industry. (Prerequisites: INTP-210 or equivalent course and undergraduate standing in ASLINT-BS.) Lab 2, Lecture 2 (Fall).
INTP-325 3
In this course, students will develop ASL skills needed to create narratives composed of an introduction, main points, supporting points, transitions, and a closing. At the end of the semester, students will achieve effective communication by using vocabulary, grammar, translation skills, and cultural protocols for conveying details about unfamiliar topics at an Advanced-Low level as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Activities include delivering presentations, storytelling, and lab exercises that provide extensive hands-on practice using a variety of media. Students are expected to engage with members of the Deaf community in order to learn about Deaf co-culture in the United States. (Prerequisites: INTP-226 or equivalent course with a minimum grade of C or better and undergraduate standing in ASLINT-BS.) Lec/Lab 4 (Fall).
INTP-326 3
In this course, students will develop ASL skills needed to create complex narratives composed of an introduction, main points, supporting points, transitions, and a closing. At the end of the semester, students will achieve effective communication by using grammar, translation skills, and cultural protocols for conveying details about abstract concepts at an Advanced-Mid level as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Activities include delivering presentations, storytelling, and lab exercises that provide extensive hands-on practice using a variety of media. Students are expected to engage with members of the Deaf community in order to learn about Deaf co-culture in the United States. (Prerequisites: INTP-325 or equivalent course with a minimum grade of C and undergraduate standing in ASLINT-BS.) Lec/Lab 4 (Spring).
INTP-335 3
Students will develop the ability to produce an equivalent simultaneous ASL message from an English source message. This course integrates inquiry and expository texts in both dialogic and monologic formats. Specific discipline areas include interpreting in healthcare, employment, and finance settings. Within those discipline areas, students will have the opportunity to interpret in authentic environments with both Deaf and hearing consumers. Students will continue to develop text analysis skills, applying them to translating and simultaneous interpreting. Students are exposed to self-employment business practices within the interpreting field. Biomechanics and self-care issues will continue to be discussed. (Prerequisites: INTP-310 and INTP-325 or equivalent course with a minimum grade of C and undergraduate standing in ASLINT-BS.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
INTP-336 3
Students will develop the ability to produce an equivalent simultaneous English message from an ASL source message. This course integrates inquiry and expository texts in both dialogic and monologic formats. Specific discipline areas include interpreting in healthcare, employment, and finance settings. Within those discipline areas, students will have the opportunity to experience interpreting in authentic environments with both Deaf and hearing consumers. Students will continue to develop text analysis skills, applying them to translating and simultaneous interpreting. Additionally, students will develop the ability to apply the principles of diagnostic feedback. (Prerequisites: INTP-310 and INTP-325 or equivalent course with a minimum grade of C and undergraduate standing in ASLINT-BS.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
INTP-350 3
This course combines an introductory practicum experience in the field of ASL-English interpretation with a seminar component to allow senior-level students to engage in reflective practice as they transition into the interpreting profession. Students will undertake field experiences that provide them with firsthand knowledge and familiarity with current topics that impact professional sign language interpreters and the Deaf community. Practicum will also give students the opportunity to gain firsthand experience under the immediate supervision of a professional interpreter, who functions as each student’s mentor. The practicum experience will involve activities such as observing a mentor and other interpreters at work; interpreting under the supervision of a mentor; and weekly meetings with a mentor to discuss the practicum experience and to receive professional feedback. Building upon students’ practicum experiences, students will use the constructs of Demand Control Schema to guide their seminar discussions. Students will meet together weekly with their classmates to share observations and experiences gained from the practicum placement. Seminar topics derived from students' field experience will focus on language issues in interpretation, ethical decision making, application of the Code of Professional Conduct, making interpretation choices, and implementing successful business practices as a professional interpreter. Students must complete a minimum of 100 hours of field experience and related activities. (Prerequisites: INTP-315 and INTP-335 and INTP-336 or equivalent courses with a minimum grade of C. This course is restricted to students with at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA.) Seminar 2 (Fall, Spring).
LAS Perspective 4 (social)
LAS Perspective 6 (scientific principles)
LAS Elective: Mathematics
Total Semester Credit Hours

Please see the NTID General Education Curriculum-Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) for more information.

* Please see Wellness Education Requirement for more information. Students completing associate degrees are required to complete one Wellness course.

Admissions and Financial Aid

For the career-focused AAS Degree

  • 2 years of math required
  • 1 year of science required
  • English language skills as evidenced by application materials determine associate degree options.

In addition to RIT’s general admissions procedures, the ASL-English interpretation program requires applicants to complete admission materials from the NTID Admissions Office.

Learn How to Apply

Financial Aid and Scholarships

100% of all incoming first-year and transfer students receive aid.

RIT’s personalized and comprehensive financial aid program includes scholarships, grants, loans, and campus employment programs. When all these are put to work, your actual cost may be much lower than the published estimated cost of attendance.
Learn more about financial aid and scholarships