Dietetics and Nutrition Master of Science Degree

​​​​​​The dietetics and nutrition graduate degree prepares you to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). RDNs engage people of all ages, cultures, health concerns, and socioeconomic levels to address a range of nutritional needs. They are skilled health care professionals who apply the art and science of food and nutrition at individual, institutional, organizational, community, and population levels.

Overview for Dietetics and Nutrition MS

Registered dietitian nutritionists (RDN) engage people of all ages, cultures, health concerns, and socioeconomic levels to address a range of nutritional needs. RDNs are skilled health care professionals who apply the art and science of food and nutrition at individual, institutional, organizational, community, and population levels.

RIT’s Master of Science in Dietetics and Nutrition

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Careers and Experiential Learning

Careers in Nutrition

Changes in the health care landscape are helping to make dietetics and nutrition professionals highly sought after for excellent career opportunities. Now, more than ever, RDN’s practice in a wide range of settings, including:

  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Universities
  • Government Agencies
  • Research Facilities
  • Food and Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Public Health Organizations
  • Journalism
  • Marketing
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Commercial Food Service Operations
  • Corporate Well-Being Units

Supervised Experiential Learning

Students complete three Supervised Experiential Learning (SEL) courses providing practical, hands-on learning in culinary and food service operations, community, and clinical settings. SEL course activities are integrated with concurrent classroom-based courses to translate knowledge into practice, preparing graduates to pass the RDN credentialling exam and start careers in dietetics and nutrition.

Featured Work and Profiles

Curriculum for 2024-2025 for Dietetics and Nutrition MS

Current Students: See Curriculum Requirements

Dietetics and Nutrition, MS degree, typical course sequence

Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year
NUTR-625 3
This course is the first of a two-course series concerned with the review and application of biological metabolism and the interrelationships of nutrients, hormones, enzymes, and other biochemical substances in humans. Modification of nutritional intake to meet nutritional needs altered by diseases and stress as well as the use of alternate methods of feeding (enteral/parenteral) to meet nutritional needs is discussed in depth. This course emphasizes the practical applications of medical nutritional therapy for use with patients/clients. Lecture 3 (Fall).
NUTR-626 3
This course is the second of a two-course series concerned with the review and application of biological metabolism and the interrelationships of nutrients, hormones, enzymes, and other biochemical substances in humans. Modification of nutritional intake to meet nutritional needs altered by diseases and stress as well as the use of alternate methods of feeding (enteral/parenteral) to meet nutritional needs is discussed in depth. This course emphasizes the practical applications of medical nutritional therapy for use with patients/clients. (Prerequisite: NUTR-625 or equivalent course.NUTR-625 Prereq) Lecture 3 (Spring).
NUTR-655 3
This course emphasizes the interrelationships of social, psychological, physiological, and biochemical factors and their impact on nutrient requirements and recommendations for food intake during specific stages of the life cycle. Emphasis is given to nutrition during pregnancy, infancy, early childhood, adolescence, young and middle adulthood, and the elderly. Lecture 3 (Spring).
WSHN-624 3
This course offers an in-depth exposure to macro and micronutrient metabolism and biochemistry in humans. Nutrient structure, function, and physiological regulations of digestion, absorption, and interactions are examined with translational concepts for conditions of health and disease. This integrated perspective of nutrient metabolism prepares students for advanced study of medical nutrition therapy. Lecture 3 (Summer).
WSHN-700 3
Research Methods in Health and Well-being addresses requisite foundational skills to conduct rigorous, robust, and ethical research into problems related to health, nutrition and well-being. Evidence-based and translational research issues are presented in tandem with design of research studies, measurement approaches, funding opportunities, and research management considerations. Lecture 3 (Fall).
WSHN-710 3
Introduces population health with focus on the social determinants of health. Engages students in the concept of risk as an epidemiologic concept and the application of epidemiology to population health surveillance, population health risk assessment. Students will have the opportunity to explore the intersection of population health with public policy, and evaluate how determinants of health, epidemiological findings, health disparities, political interest, availability of resources, and accessibility influence the health and well-being of a community and population. (Prerequisites: WSHN-700 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
WSHN-715 3
Food supply concepts are integrated with principles and practices to manage food service and culinary operations of all sizes. Topics include food safety and allergen training, food production, inventory control, menu planning, food systems sustainability, fiscal management, technology application, human resource development, marketing. Addresses food systems requirements for dietetics and nutrition pathway of the nutritional sciences degree. Prepares student for supervised experiential learning in culinary and food systems management. (Co-requisites: WSHN-775 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Summer).
WSHN-770 3
Implementation of community nutrition and public health concepts in experiential learning sites. Skill development opportunities for practice as a dietitian/nutritionist related to community and public health nutrition including nutrition policy, needs assessment, legislation and advocacy, education and interpersonal communication, and ethical approaches to food and nutrition problems. (Prerequisites: NUTR-550 and NUTR-625 and WSHN-700 or equivalent courses or student standing in DIET-MS program. Co-requisites: WSHN-710 or equivalent course.) Internship 9 (Spring).
WSHN-775 3
Implementation of culinary and food systems management skills and concepts in one or more supervised experiential learning sites. Addresses food systems management requirements for dietetics and nutrition. (Co-requisites: WSHN-715 or equivalent course.) Internship 9 (Summer).
Program Elective
Second Year
HLTH-746 3
This is the second of three courses in the MHSA program that require students to be on campus. These “immersion” courses will be scheduled over a long weekend and will entail full days on campuses well as pre- and post-course work completed online. The concept is to immerse students in a series of experiences to support their development as high function managers and leaders within the health care industry. This course builds on the first Leading Health Care Systems course and provides a in-depth examination of advanced management and leadership knowledge, skills and values required of contemporary leaders within health care systems. (Prerequisites: HLTH-706 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Summer).
WSHN-702 3
Dissemination and Implementation Science for Health and Well-being applies constructs practices, and values of dissemination and implementation sciences to health and well-being education activities. Strategies to foster translation of evidence-based practices to standard practice in public and private programs are applied in an experiential learning format. (Prerequisites: WSHN-700 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
WSHN-730 3
Fundamental principles and techniques of the art and science of nutritional assessment and counseling are developed in this active learning course. Newly acquired skills are utilized in experiences with case studies, simulation mannequins, and volunteers. Digital and technology-driven tools and experiences are incorporated into nutrition assessment and counseling instruction and experiences. In tandem with Medical Nutrition Therapy, this course prepares the student for clinical supervised experiential learning in healthcare settings. (Prerequisite: NUTR-626 or equivalent course.) Lec/Lab 3 (Spring).
WSHN-780 6
Supervised experiential learning at healthcare facilities to attain competency and meet performance requirements in medical clinical dietetics and nutrition therapy. (Prerequisites: WSHN-624 and NUTR-625 and NUTR-626 and NUTR-655 or equivalent courses. Co-requisites: WSHN-720 or equivalent course.) Internship 18 (Spring).
WSHN-790 6
Application of writing and research skills and principles in an independent investigation of a focused problem under direction of thesis adviser. Components include review of literature, definition of research aims, data collection and analysis, interpretation and discussion of findings, preparation of written paper following specified guidelines and standards, and oral defense of thesis. Enrollment for 6 credits in one semester or as necessary over multiple semesters for a total of 6 credits. (Prerequisites: WSHN-700 or thesis advisor approval or equivalent course.) Thesis 6 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
Statistics Elective*
Total Semester Credit Hours

* Statistics Elective can be fulfilled by either STAT-614, MATH-655, or PSYC-640.

Program Electives

Project Management
Exercise Physiology is the scientific basis for the field of Exercise Science. This course provides students with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the body’s responses and adaptations to exercise. Neuromuscular physiology is reviewed along with energy systems and mechanisms of fatigue. The cardiorespiratory system is examined with a focus on control and regulation during activity and there is a look at the physiological components of exercise training. Environmental factors that impact sport activities as well as training techniques which optimize performance will be reviewed. The differences in performance and adaptation that exist between children, adolescents, and adults as well as between males and females will be compared and contrasted. Exercise’s influence on long term health and fitness will conclude the course. Laboratory experiences will allow students to integrate and apply the concepts of exercise physiology through investigative experiments. Lab 3, Lecture 3 (Fall).
This course is designed to give students an immersive and hands-on research experience. Students will use knowledge from prerequisite coursework to hypothesize, design, and conduct a research investigation that focuses on some facet of exercise physiology and science. Areas of skill development include hypothesis generation, logistical and ethical considerations of methodology construction, institutional review board submission, safe data collection, and data analysis and interpretation. This class will benefit those who desire an immersive hands-on exposure to conducting scientific research, and who wish to prepare for a career as a healthcare professional or graduate level scientist. (Prerequisites: EXSC-550 and NUTR-560 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
This course discusses the delivery system of health care in the US. Specifically, the course will review the current status of American health care including research into population demographics and health and the concept of wellness and prevention. Following this a review of international health care models will occur to consider best practice as alternative care models for consideration for the US. In addition, the students will develop, for their area of interest and expertise, a strategy for incremental or radical innovation in how we provide health care to our constituents. Lecture 3 (Fall).
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization are two of many health organizations that have emphasized the importance of cultural competence in health care. As our society becomes more global, sensitivity to and respect for various cultural norms is an integral component of health care delivery. This course defines cultural competency both in theory and in practice. Select topics to be addressed include: Introduction to cultural competency; diversity, equity and inclusion; how cultural competency impacts health practice; health disparity; language and communication; culture and health literacy; cultural competency; strategies for cultural competency assessment; practicing cultural competency, etc. (Prerequisites: HLTH-608 and HLTH-610 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
This is the first of three courses in the HSA, MS program that require students to be on campus. These “immersion” courses will be scheduled over a long weekend and will entail full days on campus as well as pre- and post-course work completed online. The concept is to immerse students in a series of experiences to support their development as high function managers and leaders within the health care industry. This course provides a detailed examination of the core principles of management as well as characteristics and disciplines that are required by persons holding management and leadership roles in health care delivery organizations. Lecture 3 (Summer).
This course will support student’s understanding of concepts, impacts and applications of marketing in the health care industry. The goal of the course is to equip future leaders with the capacity and discipline to make informed decisions to advance the strategic goals of an organization. Using a course long project with a health care product or service chosen by the student, concepts are introduced and applied against actual scenarios. The course introduces fundamental marketing concepts including differential analysis, the four P’s, segmenting with the role of ethics woven throughout the course. Students will put concepts to work, learning how to conduct and apply internal and external analysis, the impact of customer satisfaction and how to build tactics and measure outcomes consistent with a chosen strategic direction. Throughout the course, students will be challenged to fine tune their presentation skills in exercises meant to simulate today’s business world. Lecture 3 (Spring).
This course provides a basic understanding of health services financial management. We begin with elementary accounting concepts and then focus on financial statement preparation and analysis. Special topics areas include discounted cash flow, risk, capital investments evaluation, debt/equity financing, and financial decision making models such as break-even analysis, cash flow forecasting and the like. Lecture 3 (Fall).
This course will incorporate an examination of contemporary organizational systems thinking focusing on concepts relevant to health service organizations and their communities; emphasizing organizational quality, leadership, environment, strategy, structure, and processes. The course provides students with the evaluation of key factors affecting an organization’s system as well as their community, through quality and analytical thinking; allowing the student to apply theories that suggest an effective organizational response to such influences and change. Lecture 3 .
The rapid pace of progress in technology and the change in demographics of the workforce are anticipated to affect what work will look like in the future, in addition to the structure and nature of work itself. Some of these changes might be incremental and others more radical and disruptive affecting the conduct of business. The pace, nature, and magnitude of these changes demand that businesses, organizations, educators, policy makers, leaders, managers, and individual employees reimagine models of employment including the organization and functioning of the workforce. This course is intended to provide students with a global perspective of the future of work and employment, and insights into the implications on their designated professions and careers. Among others, this course will address the following questions: What are the skills and competencies required of the workforce for this new future of work? What skills, competencies, and job roles may become redundant? How should corporations preempt and prepare to deal with these changes? What will be the role of leaders and managers in reimagining and developing the workforce of the future? Seminar 3 (Fall).
The goal of this course is to develop knowledge of Human Resource Development and Management practices for the purpose of analyzing, communicating, evaluating, and leading the development of strategic human resource initiatives that react to emerging organizational concerns. This course is a foundation course for those seeking a leadership opportunity in Human Resources in which students will demonstrate their ability to analyze and lead the alignment of strategic organizational goals into HR functions. Lecture 3 (Spring).
Major change initiatives within organizations fail because of lack of understanding of the process of change and the lack of deliberate and focused attention to the change process. This course teaches students the change process and the alterations required in structures, processes, and activities to effectively implement change initiatives within organizations. The components of this course include applied approaches and tools to help analyze barriers for change, leverage power and influence, and provide frameworks to plan and implement change. Lecture 3 (Summer).
As strategic partners in global workforce development, human resource development professionals guide organizations to build and maintain a diverse workforce. Diversity and inclusion exploit the natural synergies of a multicultural workforce. This course will examine dimensions of diversity beyond race, ethnicity, and gender and create opportunities to develop an understanding about how these dimensions intersect and play out in the workplace. The purpose of this course is to provide HRD professionals the knowledge required to manage these dynamics in an organizational setting and lead initiatives that will create and maintain an inclusive workplace. Project work will allow for the in-depth ability to assess the current state of diversity within a defined organization, conduct research and benchmarking to build a diverse workforce, and develop a diversity strategic plan with an on-going evaluation component to assess the success of diversity initiatives. Lecture 3 (Spring).
This course examines why people behave as they do in organizations and what managers can do to improve organizational performance by influencing people's behavior. Students will learn a number of frameworks for diagnosing and dealing with managerial challenges dynamics at the individual, group and organizational level. Topics include leadership, motivation, team building, conflict, organizational change, cultures, decision making, and ethical leadership. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
An introduction to contemporary principles and practices of marketing. The course is structured around the process of marketing planning leading to the development of successful marketing strategies, including the commercialization of products and services in domestic and international environments. Focus is on environmental scanning techniques, setting and evaluating measurable objectives, innovating and controlling the interrelated components of product/service offering, planning and executing the marketing mix (channels of distribution, price, and promotion), and enhancing customer relationships through the delivery of customer value. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
This course examines the impact that the internet has on traditional and contemporary business-to-consumer marketing activities. It explores these implications in both strategic and tactical terms to enhance organizations' levels of competitiveness. The course identifies the use of the internet in enhancing value for consumers and considers the leverage of the latest technologies, trends, e-culture and innovation through the medium of the internet. (Prerequisites: MKTG-761 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
This one credit class offers an overview of controversial and accepted integrative health therapies, diet therapies, basic herbal medicine guidelines, and vitamin/mineral supplementation. Lecture 1 (Fall).
Study of current nutrition issues and delivery of food and nutrition services in the community. The course is designed to allow senior level and graduate students to acquire skills necessary to deliver services in the public health and private sector markets. Individual practicum in community facility is required and arranged by the instructor. (Prerequisite: NUTR-625 or equivalent course.NUTR-625 Prereq) Lab 4, Lecture 2 (Spring).
This course provides an overview of global food and nutrition concepts and issues from both developed and developing country perspectives. Topics include breastfeeding, macronutrients and micronutrient problems, food security and access, food emergencies, maternal and child health and the impacts of socio-economic disparities on nutrition status. Also addressed are challenges in food and nutrition policy development, program design and implementation that are unique to global efforts and sustainable development goals (SDGs). Students apply course content and analytical thinking skills to a unique self-selected country and develop dissemination skills by informing others of the unique food, nutrition and health issues. (Co-requisite: NUTR-654 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
This course is designed to enhance students' knowledge and skills with regard to infant, child, and adolescent development. We will examine a variety of topics that relate to the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development of children and adolescents in the context of classic and current theory. We will also explore issues such as attachment, resiliency, and policy issues that pertain to positive child and adolescent development. Students will gain an enhanced knowledge of the sequence of child development and the processes that underlie it by studying child development from a chronological approach. Theories that discuss the various domains of development will be examined through each age period. This course will emphasize the interdependence of all domains of development and contribute to an appreciation of the interrelatedness of theory, research, and applications. Seminar (Fall).
This course explores topics related to understanding individuals in a social context. Topics may include, but are not limited to: Social Perception and Social Cognition; Attitudes; Social Identity; Prejudice and Discrimination; Interpersonal Attraction; Close Relationships; Social Influence; Prosocial Behavior; Aggression; Group Behavior; Artifacts and Methodological Issues in Social Psychology. Course format is seminar focused on reading assigned texts each week, writing reaction papers, and participating in discussion. Students will also conduct a study on the topic of their choice and present their findings both in an oral and written format. Seminar (Biannual).
An in-depth inquiry into key contemporary public policy issues. Students will be exposed to a wide range of important public policy texts, and will learn how to write a literature review in a policy area of their choosing. (This class is restricted to degree-seeking graduate students or those with permission from instructor.) Seminar (Fall).
This course provides graduate students with necessary tools to help them become effective policy analysts. The course places particular emphasis on understanding the policy process, the different approaches to policy analysis, and the application of quantitative and qualitative methods for evaluating public policies. Students will apply these tools to contemporary public policy decision making at the local, state, federal, and international levels. Lecture 3 (Fall).
This course provides students with an introduction to decision science and analysis. The course focuses on several important tools for making good decisions, including decision trees, including forecasting, risk analysis, and multi-attribute decision making. Students will apply these tools to contemporary public policy decision making at the local, state, federal, and international levels. Lecture 3 (Spring).
The focus of this course is on evaluation of program outcomes and research design. Students will explore the questions and methodologies associated with meeting programmatic outcomes, secondary or unanticipated effects, and an analysis of alternative means for achieving program outcomes. Critique of evaluation research methodologies will also be considered. Seminar (Spring).
This course introduces the concepts, principles, and practices necessary to lead into the future and avoid organizational mis-steps by taking an action-oriented approach to planning, implementing, evaluating, and revising competitive strategy in service firms. The course will address basic concepts and principles of competitive strategy, the process of developing and implementing strategy in organizations, development of robust, future-oriented strategies using learning scenarios, strategy mapping, and tools for strategy evaluation such as performance metrics, scorecards and dashboards. (Prerequisites: SERQ-710 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
The Customer Centricity course develops the learners ability to help their organization manage its interactions with its valued customers across multiple channels, maximize revenue opportunities, build foundations to increase customer satisfaction, and drive customer retention and loyalty. Lecture 3 (Spring).
Analytics in service organizations is based on four phases: analysis and determination of what data to collect, gathering the data, analyzing it, and communicating the findings to others. In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of analytics to develop a measurement strategy for a given area of research and analysis. While this measurement process is used to ensure that operations function well and customer needs are met; the real power of measurement lies in using analytics predicatively to drive growth and service, to transform the organization and the value delivered to customers. Topics include big data, the role of measurement in growth and innovation, methodologies to measure quality, and other intangibles. Lecture 3 (Fall, Summer).
Achieving competitive advantage in today’s world demands that organizations know how to innovate, and do so not once, but repeatedly. Creativity, rapid learning through continuous improvement, and the ability to turn ideas into action, products, processes and services are crucial. How do leaders foster and sustain a culture of innovation? What unique competencies and skills do you need as a leader and what skills do your teams need? How is managing an innovation team different than managing other kinds of teams within an organization? Through this course, service leadership students will leverage and build on their growing knowledge about innovation, the individual and group skills required for innovating gained in SERQ-712. Students will gain deeper insights into innovation leadership requirements for creating, managing and curating a thriving environment in which cutting edge ideas are encouraged, born and grown. Open to students in the service leadership and innovation MS program and non-majors on a space available basis with department permission. (Prerequisite: SERQ-712 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
The use of creative problem solving to discover new alternatives in the design of products and services is the essence of design thinking. The innovation design thinking process seeks creative inspiration to solve a problem, generating and selecting ideas to develop a path from design to market. Design thinking tools and strategies are discussed as are “Wicked Problems” and the impact design thinking can have on developing a solution for these problems. An in-depth approach uses stories and prototypes to design products/ services in an effort to solve problems in an innovative and sustainable manner. Lecture 3 (Fall).
A course that studies how a response variable is related to a set of predictor variables. Regression techniques provide a foundation for the analysis of observational data and provide insight into the analysis of data from designed experiments. Topics include happenstance data versus designed experiments, simple linear regression, the matrix approach to simple and multiple linear regression, analysis of residuals, transformations, weighted least squares, polynomial models, influence diagnostics, dummy variables, selection of best linear models, nonlinear estimation, and model building. (This class is restricted to students in the APPSTAT-MS, SMPPI-ACT, or APPSTAT-U programs.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).
This course is an introduction to sample survey design with emphasis on practical aspects of survey methodology. Topics include: survey planning, sample design and selection, survey instrument design, data collection methods, and analysis and reporting. Application areas discussed will include program evaluation, opinion polling, customer satisfaction, product and service design, and evaluating marketing effectiveness. Data collection methods to be discussed will include face-to-face, mail, Internet and telephone. (This course is restricted to students in APPSTAT-MS or SMPPI-ACT.) Lecture 3 (Summer).
This is a graduate level survey course that stresses the concepts of statistical design and analysis for clinical trials. Topics include the design, implementation, and analysis of trials, including treatment allocation and randomization, factorial designs, cross-over designs, sample size and power, reporting and publishing, etc. SAS for Windows statistical software will be used throughout the course for data analysis. (This course is restricted to students in APPSTAT-MS or SMPPI-ACT.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
The course develops statistical methods for modeling and analysis of data for which the response variable is categorical. Topics include: contingency tables, matched pair analysis, Fisher's exact test, logistic regression, analysis of odds ratios, log linear models, multi-categorical logit models, ordinal and paired response analysis. (Prerequisites: This class is restricted to students in APPSTAT-MS or SMPPI-ACT who have successfully completed STAT-741 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
In Health and Nutrition Education and Evaluation, content and research expertise are applied to design effective, theory-based health and nutrition education and establish it as evidence-based. Needs assessment, behavior change models, theories of motivation, and learning styles are presented in the context of planning health and nutrition education and sampling, recruitment, participant retention, instrument development, and data analysis to foster development of evaluation expertise. (Co-requisites: WSHN-700 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall).
This course provides the opportunity for independent investigation, under faculty supervision, on a subject matter either not included in existing courses or further investigation of a topic of interest presented in another course. A student-driven, faculty mentored proposal is drafted that describes the plan of work, deliverables expected, evaluation criteria, and possible credit load. Ind Study (Fall, Spring, Summer).

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Admissions and Financial Aid

This program is available on-campus only.

Offered Admit Term(s) Application Deadline STEM Designated
Full‑time Fall February 28 priority deadline, rolling thereafter No

Full-time study is 9+ semester credit hours. International students requiring a visa to study at the RIT Rochester campus must study full‑time.

Application Details

To be considered for admission to the Dietetics and Nutrition MS program, candidates must fulfill the following requirements:

English Language Test Scores

International applicants whose native language is not English must submit one of the following official English language test scores. Some international applicants may be considered for an English test requirement waiver.

79 6.5 56

International students below the minimum requirement may be considered for conditional admission. Deaf and hard-of-hearing test takers with significant hearing loss do not need to take the listening and speaking sections for the TOEFL and IELTS. Each program requires balanced sub-scores when determining an applicant’s need for additional English language courses.

How to Apply Start or Manage Your Application

Cost and Financial Aid

An RIT graduate degree is an investment with lifelong returns. Graduate tuition varies by degree, the number of credits taken per semester, and delivery method. View the general cost of attendance or estimate the cost of your graduate degree.

A combination of sources can help fund your graduate degree. Learn how to fund your degree

Additional Information


Applicants must show evidence of course work in the natural sciences (e.g., biology and biochemistry) and in courses related to nutrition and dietetics covering topics such as techniques of dietetics education, nutrition and integrative medicine, community nutrition, customer experience management, and microbiology of health and disease. Applicants holding a Verification Statement from an ACEND-accredited program in didactics are considered to have met these requirements.


Students interested in cultural competence, social determinants of health, behavioral health integration, and interprofessional care coordination are encouraged to apply for scholarships reserved for RIT M.S. in Dietetics and Nutrition students in the AHEC Scholars Program. Selected students may apply their RIT Experiential Learning hours toward fellowship requirements. Benefits of participation include a financial stipend, access to current, research-based, non-clinical online learning materials, and more.

Transportation Requirement

The Dietetics and Nutrition MS program requires Supervised Experiential Learning (SEL) experiences that are off site and not on the RIT campus. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from any off-campus activities including their supervised experiential learning hours, practice assignments, research, and travel to professional meetings. All transportation and parking costs are the responsibility of the student. Public transportation and/or ride share are typically not available.


Rochester Institute of Technology’s dietetics and nutrition graduate program has been granted candidacy status by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Candidacy status is granted to academic institutions who have demonstrated the ability to house a dietetics program. 

Students in a candidacy-status program are considered graduates of an accredited program and are eligible to sit for the National Registration Examination for Dietitians, upon successful program completion.

More information on ACEND and its accreditation standards are available at:

Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics
120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190
Chicago, IL 60606-6995
312-899-0040 ext. 5400 or 800-877-1600


Faculty in the Wegmans School of Health and Nutrition consistently receive funding awards from private, state, and federal sources. This support provides you with unique opportunities to conduct research with our faculty members on local, national, and international research projects on a variety of topics, including:

  • Eating competence
  • Metabolic syndrome lifestyle interventions
  • Motivational interviewing
  • PICA and anemia during pregnancy
  • Food insecurity
  • Childhood anemia in Ghana
  • Statewide online nutrition education

Learn more by exploring the Wegmans School’s research initiatives.

Thesis: The completion of a thesis is a required element of the program. Your thesis advisor will provide guidance and feedback throughout the thesis process. The thesis component of the program provides you with the opportunity to put research theory into practice.

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Admissions Contact
  • Karen Palmer
  • Associate Director Combined Accelerated Programs
  • Office of Graduate and Part-Time Enrollment Services
  • Enrollment Management
  • 585‑475‑5656
Program Contact