Robotics and Automation Minor

Overview for Robotics and Automation Minor

The robotics and automation minor provides students with a foundation in the professional study and practice of programming, using, and working with industrial robots and the industrial automation systems used in the manufacturing environment. It provides a broad perspective that includes automation components, automation systems (hardware and software), industrial robots (hardware and software), and specific issues to implementing industrial robotic systems in the electronics manufacturing environment. It also includes learning and practice in developing automation/robotic code to accomplish specific functions across the major industrial automation software tools.

Notes about this minor:

  • This minor is closed to students majoring in robotics and manufacturing engineering technology or mechatronics engineering technology.
  • Posting of the minor on the student's academic transcript requires a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the minor.
  • Notations may appear in the curriculum chart below outlining pre-requisites, co-requisites, and other curriculum requirements (see footnotes).
  • At least nine semester credit hours of the minor must consist of specific courses not required by the student’s degree program.

The plan code for Robotics and Automation Minor is RMET-MN.

Curriculum for 2024-2025 for Robotics and Automation Minor

Current Students: See Curriculum Requirements

Required Courses
This course will provide a thorough understanding of the manufacturing automation principles, practices and system integration. Students will design a fully automated control system from selection of components, specifying the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), and developing the ladder logic required to operate the system. Students will have the tools to effectively be able to fully design an automated control system as in done in varying industries. (Co-requisite: RMET-341 or equivalent course.) Lecture 2 (Fall, Spring).
This course will provide a thorough hands-on experience in using Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) for manufacturing automation and system integration. Industry best practices for programming PLCs and the essentials of Human Machine Interface (HMI) for data entry, manipulation, and recording system status will be included. (Co-requisites: RMET-340 or equivalent course.) Lab 2 (Fall, Spring).
This course focuses on the technology and application of robots and automation in the modern manufacturing environment. It will provide a thorough understanding of robotic hardware and software. The hardware aspects include robot configurations, drive mechanisms, power systems (hydraulic, pneumatic, and servo actuators), end-effectors and end-of-arm-tooling, sensors, control systems, machine vision, programming, safety, and integration. The software aspect deals with the various methods of textual and lead through programming commonly found on commercial robotic systems, as well as simulation systems offered by robot manufacturers. Digital Interfacing of robots with other automation components such as programmable logic controllers, computer-controlled machines, conveyors, is introduced. Robotic cell design and the socio-economic impact of robotics are also discussed. This course also has a strong experiential component that emphasizes hands-on training. This course may be cross-listed with RMET-685. Students may not take and receive credit for this course if they have already taken RMET-685. College-level programming experience in at least one computer language strongly recommended. (Prerequisites: MCET-220 or CVET-210 or MECE-103 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3, Recitation 1 (Fall, Spring).
Choose one of the following
An introduction to the analysis of static structures covering free-body diagrams, forces, moments, vectors, equilibrium, friction, and analysis of structures and truss members. Applications are drawn from civil engineering technology. (Prerequisites: PHYS-111 or 1017-211 or equivalent course.) Lecture 2, Recitation 2 (Spring).
This course provides an introduction to the analysis and design of structures and machines. Students learn to calculate unknown forces using the concept of equilibrium and free body diagrams and to calculate simple stresses and deflections for axially loaded members. Topics include forces, moments, free body diagrams, equilibrium, friction, stress, strain, and deflection. Examples are drawn from mechanical, manufacturing, and civil engineering technology. Lecture 3, Recitation 1 (Fall, Spring).
This basic course treats the equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies under the action of forces. It integrates the mathematical subjects of calculus, vector algebra and simultaneous algebraic equations with the physical concepts of equilibrium in two and three dimensions. Topics include concepts of force and moment, friction, centroids and moments of inertia, and equilibrium of trusses, frames and machines. (Prerequisites: MECE-102 or PHYS-211 or PHYS-211A or PHYS-206 or equivalent course and restricted to MECE-BS or MECEDU-BS or MECE-MN or ENGRX-UND students. Co-requisites: MATH-182 or MATH-182A or MATH-173 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).
Choose six credits:
This course introduces students to the underlying building blocks of digital system and microcontroller design. Digital systems topics that are covered include: number systems, truth tables, Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential logic, and finite state machines. A microcontroller is used to teach register programming, reading and writing digital I/O, bitwise operations and bit-masking and microprocessor architecture. Laboratory exercises are designed to illustrate concepts, reinforce analysis and design skills, and develop instrumentation techniques associated with the lecture topics. Lab 2, Lecture 2 (Fall).
Integrated design for manufacture and assembly manufacturing processes are expanded and applied to the design process. Part concepts will be considered for various manufacturing processes to determine which process will yield the lowest cost part that meets all product functional requirements. Students will learn the DFMA methodology for making decisions to analyze the costs associated with their product concepts. Designs will consider the tooling that is required in product build and will understand the interrelationships between decisions and the cost associated with manufacture and service of the product. At the conclusion of the course students will be able to effectively design parts and assemblies for manufacture, assembly, and service. Costing will be considered at every step of the design process. (Prerequisites: RMET-120 or NETS-120 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring).
This course provides a thorough understanding of the technology, components, equipment, materials and manufacturing process for through hole technology and surface mount technology electronics manufacturing. Students will develop a strong foundation needed for advanced work in surface mount technology (SMT). Topics in Design for Manufacturing are also considered for high volume vs. low volume manufacturing. Students may only receive credit for this course or RMET-645, not both. Lecture 3, Recitation 1 (Fall).
This course deals with the higher level of topics relating to automation control systems engineering. Learning different programming languages, troubleshooting techniques, advanced programming instructions, the use and application of Human Machine Interface (HMI) panels, analog devices uses and applications, advanced system design, networking and an introduction to Industry 4.0 are all covered in this course. (Pre-requisites: RMET-340 or equivalent course. Students cannot take and receive credit for this course if they have taken RMET-671.) Lecture 3, Recitation 1 (Spring).
Robots in many applications require sensors and/or vision systems to allow the robot to fully understand its environment and tasks. Students learn how to design and integrate robot sensor and vision systems to enable the dynamic use of the robot’s capabilities. Robot sensors, 2D and 3D visions systems along with lighting will be used to allow the student to conceptualize, design, and program robotic techniques related to path correction, dynamic positioning, 2D targeting, and 3D picking using robots. Projects will use both robots and simulation software. Students may receive credit for only this course or RMET-687, not both. (Prerequisites: RMET-585 or RMET-685. Also, students cannot take and receive credit for this course if they have taken RMET-687.) Lecture 3 (Spring).


Program Contact
  • Cecilia Creel Gomez
  • Senior Staff Assistant
  • Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • College of Engineering Technology
  • 585‑475‑2270