Sustainable Product Development Minor
- RIT /
- Rochester Institute of Technology /
- Academics /
- Sustainable Product Development Minor
Overview for Sustainable Product Development Minor
This multidisciplinary minor is for students interested in exploring issues associated with developing and delivering sustainable product systems. Courses enhance the understanding of the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, ethical, and environmental), develop awareness of the need for more sustainable approaches to product development, and explore strategies for developing and delivering sustainable product systems.
Notes about this minor:
- Posting of the minor on the student’s academic transcript requires a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the minor.
- Notations may appear in the curriculum chart below outlining pre-requisites, co-requisites, and other curriculum requirements (see footnotes).
- At least nine semester credit hours of the minor must consist of specific courses not required by the student’s degree program.
The plan code for Sustainable Product Development Minor is SUSPRD-MN.
Curriculum for 2024-2025 for Sustainable Product Development Minor
Current Students: See Curriculum Requirements
Course | ||
Required Courses | ||
ISEE-345 | Engineering Economy* |
Time value of money, methods of comparing alternatives, depreciation and depletion, income tax consideration and capital budgeting. Cannot be used as a professional elective for ISE majors. Course provides a foundation for engineers to effectively analyze engineering projects with respect to financial considerations. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). | ||
ISEE-785 | Fundamentals of Sustainable Engineering |
This is a high level survey course that reviews the product lifecycle from various perspectives and highlights the leverage over material, process, and environmental impacts available at the design phase. Tools and strategies for reducing the environmental impacts associated with the sourcing, manufacture, use, and retirement of products will be reviewed and evaluated. (This course is restricted to students in ISEE-MS, ENGMGT-MS, MECE-MS, MECE-ME, SUSPRD-MN, MIE-PHD, BIME-BS with a BIMEISEE-U subplan, ISEE-BS with a ISEEMS-U or ISEEEGMT-U subplan, or those with at least 4th year standing in ISEE-BS or ISEEDU-BS.) Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
ISEE-786 | Lifecycle Assessment |
This course introduces students to the challenges posed when trying to determine the total lifecycle impacts associated with a product or a process design. Various costing models and their inherent assumptions will be reviewed and critiqued. The inability of traditional costing models to account for important environmental and social externalities will be highlighted. The Lifecycle Assessment approach for quantifying environmental and social externalities will be reviewed and specific LCA techniques (Streamlined Lifecycle Assessment, SimaPro) will be covered. (This course is restricted to students in ISEE-MS, SUSTAIN-MS, ENGMGT-ME, MECE-MS, MECE-ME, SUSPRD-MN, MIE-PHD or those with at least 4th year standing in ISEE-BS or ISEEDU-BS.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
Electives | ||
Choose two courses from the following groups (at least one course must come from the social context group): | ||
Social Context | ||
CHEM-531 | Climate Change: Science, Technology & Policy |
This multidisciplinary course will provide students with diverse perspectives on global climate change issues, providing a survey of important aspects of the problem. Topics include atmospheric chemistry, climate modeling, ecological impacts and feedbacks, economics of climate change, international climate policies, and social and environmental justice. The course will include a variety of instructors and guest lecturers, providing an overview of the complex and inter-related nature of global climate change. (This class is restricted to undergraduate students with at least 3rd year standing.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
ECON-520 | Environmental Economics |
This course examines the relationship and apparent conflict between economic growth and environmental quality, the economics of environmental issues and policy, the environment as a resource and a public good, and the ability and lack of ability of free markets and the government to deal adequately with pollution and other environmental problems. (Prerequisites: ECON-101 or completion of one (1) 400 or 500 level ECON course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
ENVS-531 | Climate Change: Science, Technology & Policy |
This multidisciplinary course will provide students with diverse perspectives on global climate change issues, providing a survey of important aspects of the problem. Topics include atmospheric chemistry, climate modeling, ecological impacts and feedbacks, economics of climate change, international climate policies, and social and environmental justice. The course will include a variety of instructors and guest lecturers, providing an overview of the complex and inter-related nature of global climate change. (This class is restricted to undergraduate students with at least 3rd year standing.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
ITDL-205 | Grand Challenges: Clean Water |
We face grand challenges in the 21st century that will test our collective intelligence and resourcefulness — global change, new diseases, the need for access to clean water, technological developments that are changing us and our relation to the world. We have the opportunity to transform our future through innovation and leadership, but we need to improve our critical thinking, innovate towards possible solutions, and work across disciplines to meet these common challenges. This course is therefore open to all students with the curiosity, imagination, and commitment to meet such challenges. We need engineers, scientists, public policy specialists, and humanists — individuals from every field of study and endeavor –– to contribute to global efforts to meet these challenges.
One of the most important challenges of our time — and one identified by the National Academy of Engineers as among fourteen Grand Challenges— is that of providing access to clean water to people across the globe. This course focuses on this grand challenge though interdisciplinary links between the liberal arts and engineering. Students will work in teams to analyze the scope of the clean water problem, examine real case studies, trouble shoot observed problems, and propose alternative solutions. Given the social and cultural contexts within which the need for clean water access arises, this course encourages students to think holistically about sustainable solutions rather than narrowly about the technical quick fix. (Prerequisites: This class is restricted to students with 1st or 2nd year standing.) Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
POLS-285 | Environmental Ethics and Political Ecology |
This course examines environmental issues through a variety of political and ethical perspectives. The goal of the course is to understand how the meaning of political and ethical concepts (e.g., citizenship, justice, responsibility, security, sovereignty) have been broadened or reinterpreted in light of the ascendancy of environmentalism. For instance, the course will cover questions concerning whether environmentalism has encouraged a more precautionary sort of politics, especially in regard to agricultural biotechnology, along with how it has transformed the traditional military definition of security to include new notions such as climate or food security. To address these questions and issues, the course fosters an appreciation of the ethical reasoning of the interdisciplinary field known as political ecology. An emphasis on the ethical reasoning of political ecology will facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of environmental issues through unraveling the political forces at work in environmental change at both the global and local levels. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). | ||
PUBL-510 | Technological Innovation and Public Policy |
Technological innovation, the incremental and revolutionary improvements in technology, has been a major driver in economic, social, military, and political change. This course will introduce generic models of innovation that span multiple sectors including: energy, environment, health, and bio- and information-technologies. The course also analyzes how governments choose policies, such as patents, to spur and shape innovation and its impacts on the economy and society. Students will be introduced to a global perspective on innovation policy including economic competitiveness, technology transfer and appropriate technology. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
PUBL-530 | Energy Policy |
This course provides an overview of energy resources, technologies, and policies designed to ensure clean, stable supplies of energy for the future. The course evaluates the impacts of fossil fuel, renewable energy, and hydrogen technologies on society and how public policies can be used to influence their development. The development of U.S. energy policy is of particular concern, although a global perspective will be integrated throughout the course. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
PUBL-531 | Climate Change: Science, Technology and Policy |
This multidisciplinary course will provide students with diverse perspectives on global climate change issues, providing a survey of important aspects of the problem. Topics include atmospheric chemistry, climate modeling, ecological impacts and feedbacks, economics of climate change, international climate policies, and social and environmental justice. The course will include a variety of instructors and guest lecturers, providing an overview of the complex and inter-related nature of global climate change. (This class is restricted to undergraduate students with at least 3rd year standing.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
SOIS-333 | Wicked Problems |
This course will expose students to approaching and working on wicked problems - unstructured, multidisciplinary issues lacking clear right or wrong answers. The course will introduce key skills for handling unstructured problems such as whole systems thinking, estimation and assumptions, valuation, and problem solving techniques, with the majority of the semester focused on a specific topic (wicked problem) and team case study. Students will work in teams to research and address one aspect or subset of the wicked problem at hand to join collectively with the results of all teams to form a more complete overall solution to the wicked problem. (This class is restricted to undergraduate students with at least 3rd year standing.) Lecture 4 (Fall, Spring). | ||
STSO-120 | Introduction to Environmental Studies |
Introduction to Environmental Studies explores the human condition within an environmental context by emphasizing critical environmental problems facing humans on both global and regional scales, and by applying interdisciplinary approaches. Issues, their causes, and potential solutions will be analyzed with respect to ethical, social, historical, political, scientific, and technological factors. Key concepts and themes include climate change, natural resource use and waste, population and consumption, urban and built environments, food, energy, globalization, markets, politics, environmental justice and inequality, and environmentalism. Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). | ||
STSO-140 | Science, Technology, and Values |
Science Technology and Values explores the concepts and effects of science and technology on society, and analyzes the relationship between science and technology, asking questions such as: How each has come to play a major role today, and how have science and technology affected and been affected by human values, despite longstanding assumptions that science and technology are value-free? Environmental aspects of science and technology will also be examined from interdisciplinary perspectives. Key themes include the practical and theoretical relationships between science, technology, and power. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). | ||
STSO-201 | Science and Technology Policy |
STP eExamines how local, state, federal and international policies are developed to influence innovation, the transfer of technology and industrial productivity in the United States and other selected nations. It provides a framework for considering the mechanisms of policy as a form of promotion and control for science and technology, even once those innovations are democratized and effectively uncontrollable. Further focus is dedicated to the structure of governance inherent in U.S. domestic policy, limits of that approach, the influences of international actors, and utilizing case studies to demonstrate the challenges inherent in managing differing types of technology. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
STSO-220 | Environment and Society |
Environment and Society examines the social, cultural, political, and ethical issues related to the environment. The main purpose of this course is to get you to think critically about environment and society relations—how humans interact with the environment and one another—and the consequences of those interactions on individual, local, national, and regional levels. It is organized around the concepts of sustainability and resilience, which combine interdisciplinary insights from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Other key themes include the Anthropocene, industrialization and impacts of capitalism, and intersectionality and environmental justice. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). | ||
STSO-240 | Social Consequences of Technology |
Technology has an impact on every aspect of our social lives. With each advance, unanticipated problems emerge, leading to complex debates about addressing the negative consequences. This course highlights the social, ethical, and humanistic challenges of assorted technologies, past and present. We will investigate how various technologies developed and compare the expected effects of the new technologies with the actual results. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). | ||
STSO-321 | Face of the Land |
Land and landscapes have been shaped, and reshaped, through a variety of geological forces, historical developments, and societal changes. In turn, human societies and cultures change within the context of their environment. Students will explore a historically informed, humanistic approach to the relationship of technology and society using landscapes and land use change. This course uses an interdisciplinary lens to critically examine intersections of natural, built and lived environments, social processes, and environmental change. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
STSO-326 | History of Ecology and Environmentalism |
This course explores the history of ecological science, from the eighteenth century to the present, and it features the political use of ecological ideas in environmental debates, from the 19th century to the present. We investigate how social and political ideas have influenced ecological science, how ecological concepts have influenced Western politics and society, and how different generations of ecological researchers have viewed their role in society. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
STSO-330 | Energy and the Environment |
This course will examine contemporary energy issues, with particular emphasis placed on the environmental implications associated with energy consumption and production. Students will learn about how social, political, economic, and historical factors affect various energy technologies and fuels (including nuclear, coal, oil, natural gas, solar, biomass, and wind) and the environmental tradeoffs associated with each of these energy systems. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). | ||
STSO-421 | Environmental Policy |
Governments and organizations use a variety of tools, including laws and regulations, to take action on issues related to people and the environment. This course introduces students to environmental policies on numerous topics in a variety of institutions, contexts, and scales (such as local, state, federal, international). Students will examine how societal values inform the development, content, and impacts of environmental policies. Key topics include climate change, air and water pollution, and community sustainability. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). | ||
STSO-422 | Great Lakes |
The Great Lakes ecosystem is a critically important freshwater resource, both locally and globally. This course examines the lakes and surrounding region as a case study for understanding global environmental issues. Using an interdisciplinary lens, students will assess the local, regional, national, and international scope of Great Lakes environmental issues, and analyze the roles of history, science, engineering, economics, public policy, and other relevant factors in shaping the past, present, and future of the lakes and human communities in the watershed. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
STSO-521 | Biodiversity and Society |
Biodiversity, the diversity of life on earth from genes to ecosystems, is on the decline worldwide and considered one of the most pressing issues facing humanity. This interdisciplinary course explores the wide-ranging challenges and opportunities to understand biodiversity loss and address biodiversity conservation, with a focus on human wellbeing, cultural values, social science dimensions, and other humanistic discipline contributions. Lecture 3 (Biannual). | ||
STSO-550 | Sustainable Communities |
The concept of sustainability has driven many national and international policies. More recently, we have become aware that unless we physical build and rebuild our communities in ways that contribute to sustainability, making progress toward that goal is unlikely. It is equally important to recognize the social aspects of sustainability. In addition, it is at the local level that the goals of equity (a key consideration in community sustainability), most often achieved through citizen participation and collaborative processes are most easily realized. This course will broaden students understanding of the concept of sustainability, particularly the concept of social sustainability. This course focuses on sustainability as a way to bring light to the connections between natural and human communities, between nature and culture, and among environmental, economic, and social systems. Working closely with local organizations, students will explore the applicability of theoretical concepts. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
Technical | ||
CVET-505 | Sustainable Building Design & Construction |
Course material will focus on the design, engineering, and construction of sustainable buildings and how the construction manager guides the project team to meet the owner’s objectives of a sustainable facility. Students will explore the primary differences and similarities between the different green building rating systems, including the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. This course may be cross-listed with CONM-690; BSMS program students are advised to enroll in the graduate level course. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
EEEE-221 | Clean & Renewable Energy Systems & Sources |
This course covers the first principles and fundamentals of clean and renewable energy systems and sources. Various quantum-mechanical and electromagnetic devices and systems will be analyzed, designed and examined using software and CAD tools. Topics include: geothermal, hydro, nuclear, solar, wind, and other energy sources. Societal, ethical, economical, and environmental aspects of nanotechnology-enabled clean energy and power are also discussed. (Corequisite: PHYS-212 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
EEET-251 | Green Energy Systems |
An alternative energy course that will cover all types of available sources such as hydroelectric power, wind energy, combustion turbines, active and passive solar, photovoltaic systems, fuel cells, combined heat and power systems, biomass, geothermal, ocean, and nuclear energy. Power electronic components (inverters and converters) and components necessary for connection to the electrical power grid will be discussed. Alternative energy storage systems will be analyzed. Also, economics, global warming, government regulations, and tax initiatives for green energy products will be discussed. (Prerequisites: (PHYS-111 or 1017-211) or (PHYS-211 or PHYS-211A or 1017-312 or 1017-312T or 1017-389) or equivalent course.
Co-requisites: EEET-252 or equivalent course.) Lecture 2 (Biannual). | ||
EEET-252 | Green Energy Systems Laboratory |
Laboratory work to complement the lecture material covered in Green Energy Power Systems (EEET-251). Experiments in photovoltaic cells, wind turbines, and fuel cells will be investigated. Electrolysis will be used to generate hydrogen required in the fuel cell experiment. Connection to the grid is demonstrated using a three-phase synchronous generator and disconnect switchgear. (Co-requisites: EEET-251 or equivalent course.) Lab 2 (Biannual). | ||
ESHS-180 | Greenhouse Gas Management |
Climate change has been recognized as the fundamental problem of the 21st century, and the anthropogenic cause of climate change has been established. This course will introduce the scientific basis of the greenhouse effect, the global carbon cycle and climate change and will identify and explore methods used to determine an organization’s GHG output. Mechanisms used by industry, governmental organizations and commercial enterprises to remain competitive as the world transitions to a low carbon economy will be explored. Students will gain GHG inventorying skills presented in ISO 14064 and the WRI Greenhouse Gas Protocol, and will gain fundamental understanding of the causes, effects, and possible mitigation strategies for climate change. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
ESHS-210 | Sustainable Earth Resources |
An introduction to geology from an earth resources-economic geology prospective, focusing on sustainability of green energy resources. Basic geology topics include earth materials, internal forces, and surface processes. Environmental topics include soil and water resources. Sustainability of earth resources is explored, including strategic and industrial minerals, long-term viability of fossil fuels, and the sustainability of minerals crucial for renewable energy production and storage. The course will also explore ethical issues associated with fossil fuel use, conflict mineral extraction, the uneven distribution of benefits associated with Earth resource extraction, and the uneven distribution of negative consequences, both environmental and social, of Earth resource extraction. Scientific and ethical questions will be discussed throughout the course. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
ESHS-290 | Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability |
This course will introduce social responsibility concepts and approaches presented in key documents like the ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Standard and the Universal Bill of Human Rights, and will explore the web of relationships in which an organization or a community exists, with the objective of providing the foundational knowledge necessary to plan a strategy for closing the gap between the activities, products and services of the organization or community and the ecosystem within which it exists. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
ESHS-310 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management |
An examination of strategies and technologies to move an organization toward environmental sustainability, including resource use reduction, material substitution, process and product modification, and waste minimization; and for handling and managing wastes including treatment, storage, transport, and disposal storing solid and hazardous waste. Associated environmental impacts, regulatory concerns, technical feasibility, and costs are considered. (Prerequisites: ESHS-150 and CHMG-141 and CHMG-142 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
ESHS-330 | Industrial Wastewater Management |
This course investigates characteristics and sources of industrial wastewaters, related environmental impacts, regulatory implications, and technical considerations of current treatment and disposal methodologies. Students learn to identify appropriate methods, technologies, and sequences for source reduction, treatment and pretreatment, direct discharge, and management of treatment residuals. (Prerequisites: ESHS-150 and CHMG-141 and CHMG-142 or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
ESHS-360 | Sustainable World Water Supply |
The World Health Organization estimates that one in eight people do not have access to a safe drinking water supply. The U.S. State Department has stated that armed conflict over water rights is possible on many of the world’s river systems including the Nile, Tigris/Euphrates, Brahmaputra-Jamuna, and Mekong. What is the cause of these problems and how will changes to the hydrologic cycle and world water supply brought about by climate change affect them? Students will learn about the hydrologic cycle, the general characteristics of surface water and groundwater, and global patterns of water use. Students will learn about the health, economic, and social consequences of drought and flooding, and the effect climate change is having on water supply in arid countries. Laws and government regulation of water withdrawal and use will be covered, as will techniques to extend the available water supply. Students will consider the positive and negative consequences of increasing the sustainability of the water supply through efficiency, conservation, inter-basin transfer, water use export, grey and black water reuse, urban runoff capture, and the creation of fresh water through desalination. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
ESHS-370 | Sustainable Food Systems |
Food is a powerful lever to optimize human health and environmental sustainability on Earth. However, problems associated with food and our food production systems are currently threatening both people and planet. An immense challenge facing humanity is to provide a growing world population with healthy diets that are based on ethically managed and sustainable food systems. While global food production has generally kept pace with population growth, more than 820 million people still lack sufficient food, and many more consume either low-quality diets or too much food. To have any hope of meeting the central goal of the Paris Climate Agreement, which is to limit global warming to 2°C or less, our carbon emissions from agriculture and food waste must be significantly reduced. This course will examine the sustainability and ethical issues and weaknesses in our current global food system. Key topics will include the ethical failures and environmental impacts of different agricultural practices; the ethics of patenting seeds and developing GMO crops reliant on harmful pesticides; how processed food and packaging impact the environment; the social, health and environmental effects of various diets; how climate change is impacting agriculture; and ultimately how can we meet the nutritional needs of the planet in an ethical and sustainable manner. Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
ESHS-525 | Air Emissions Management |
This course will present an overview of industrial air pollution management, its sources, methods of reduction, control, and management. Students will become familiar with the history of air pollution, the chemistry and effects of pollutants, regulations and standards, and control technologies as well as developing analytical and quantitative skills necessary in air emissions management decision-making. This course is co-listed with ESHS-615; students may receive credit for ESHS-525 or ESHS-615, not both. (Prerequisites: ESHS-150 and (CHMG-141 or CHMG-111) or equivalent courses. Students cannot take and receive credit for this course if they have taken ESHS-615.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
ESHS-565 | Sustainable Product Stewardship |
This course examines the principles of sustainable product stewardship, including the ethical, legal, and economic issues that product manufacturers face as well as the relationship between products and sustainability. Students will learn and apply some environmental sustainability, health and safety analysis techniques used to identify and manage product environmental sustainability aspects as well as health and safety hazards. Students will use case studies to examine the concept of product stewardship management through product life cycle thinking and extended producer responsibility. (Students who have completed ESHS-665 Product Stewardship may not receive credit for this course.) Lecture 3 (Summer). | ||
ISEE-684 | Engineering and the Developing World |
This course helps students develop a system of holistic thinking about engineering pursuits which includes the natural environment, humans as individuals, economics, culture, institutions, policies, and civil society. Topics include research, design, dissemination, and evaluation techniques of the Human Centered Design Methodology (also called Design Thinking), Systems Practice tools for understanding complex problems, comparison of competing economic viewpoints, and evaluation of project case studies for triple bottom line sustainability. The course will include an extensive community engaged experiential learning component with a community partner in the city of Rochester which requires periodic travel to the partner’s site for interviews and activities. The course project is intended to lead to ideas that can be continued into social impact design capstone projects for implementation. Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
ISEE-787 | Design for the Environment |
This course will provide the student with systematic approaches for designing and developing environmentally responsible products. In particular, design trade-offs will be explored. (Prerequisites: ISEE-140 or ISEE-304 or MECE-304 or MECE-305 or students in SUSPRD-MN, ISEE-MS, SUSTAIN-MS, ENGMGT-ME, MECE-MS, MECE-ME, MIE-PHD programs.) Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
MCEE-520 | Photovoltaic Science and Engineering |
This course focuses on the principle and engineering fundamentals of photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion. The course covers modern silicon PV devices, including the basic physics, ideal and non-ideal models, device parameters and design, and device fabrication. The course discusses crystalline, multi-crystalline, amorphous thin films solar cells and their manufacturing. Students will become familiar with basic semiconductor processes and how they are employed in solar cells manufacturing. The course further introduces third generation advanced photovoltaic concepts including compound semiconductors, spectral conversion, and organic and polymeric devices. PV applications, environmental, sustainability and economic issues will also be discussed. Evaluations include assignments and exams, a research/term paper on a current PV topic. (This class is restricted to degree seeking students with at least 4th year level.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
MCET-560 | Alternative Energy |
A technical introduction to alternative energy systems in the context of energy economics and conventional energy sources. Topics include solar thermal, PV, wind, ocean current and tides, geothermal, biomass, and fuel cells. Project in the course will allow students to develop and test an alternative energy system, component or device. Course is intended as first course in alternative energy for MET students. (Co-requisites: MCET-530 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
MCET-580 | Plastics Manufacturing Technology |
The course introduces fundamentals in plastic materials and processing technology to manufacture various plastic products in plastics industry. The course emphasizes new materials and process selections for engineering applications and design. Students may not take and receive credit for this course if they have already taken MCET-680. (Prerequisites: MCET-210 or PACK-211 or equivalent course. Students cannot take and receive credit for this course if they have taken MCET-680.) Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
MCET-583 | Plastics Product Design |
The study of design guidelines for plastic products based on the interrelationships between design, the material selected, the manufacturing process selected, and the tooling to be used. Students may not take and receive credit for this course if they have already taken MCET-683. (Prerequisites: (MCET-210 and MCET-211) or PACK-211 or equivalent courses. Students cannot take and receive credit for this course if they have taken MCET-683.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
MECE-348 | Contemporary Issues: Energy and the Environment |
This course introduces students to contemporary technologies in a specific field of mechanical engineering. In the process of exploring these technologies, the course teaches and applies skills related to communication, economic analysis, ethical analysis, and explores the positive and negative effects of technologies on our society and environment. Specific attention is focused on current events both domestically and internationally. (Prerequisite or Co-requisites: MECE-499 or equivalent course.
This course is restricted to MECE-BS or MECEDU-BS students.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). | ||
MECE-405 | Wind Turbine Engineering |
This course covers wind turbine design, performance and theory. Topics include wind turbine performance and components, modeling and simulation of wind energy systems, assessment of available wind energy resources, and conducting wind energy system impact analysis. This course includes a team design project. (Prerequisites: MECE-110 and MECE-210 or equivalent courses and students in MECE-BS or MECEDU-BS or MECE-MN programs.) Lecture 3 (Fall or Spring). | ||
MECE-550/650 | Sustainable Energy Use in Transportation |
The transportation sector represents nominally a third of the total energy consumption in the US, and presently, over 90% of this comes from petroleum sources. Transportation is responsible for about a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions and is a major source for several criteria pollutants. This course will introduce students to engineering practices used to evaluate transportation technologies from the standpoint of sustainability with an emphasis on light duty vehicles. Several emerging technologies including battery and hybrid electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, and bio-fuels will be considered. Particular attention will be devoted to the energy efficiency and emissions of the technology at the both vehicle and the fuel source levels. Additionally, the economic and social impacts will be examined. No text book will be assigned, and instead we will rely on open-access publications, journal articles, and electronic text available through the library. Approved as applied elective for the Energy & Environment Option and for the Automotive Option. (Prerequisites: This course is restricted to MECE-BS Major students.
Co-requisites: MECE-305 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). | ||
MECE-529/629 | Renewable Energy Systems |
This course provides an overview of renewable energy system design. Energy resource assessment, system components, and feasibility analysis will be covered. Possible topics to be covered include photovoltaics, wind turbines, solar thermal, hydropower, biomass, and geothermal. Students will be responsible for a final design project. (Prerequisites: MECE-310 or equivalent course.
This course is restricted to MECE-BS or MECEDU-BS students.) Lecture 3 (Fall). | ||
PACK-530 | Packaging Sustainability and the Environment |
Consideration of packaging in a social context. Factors that enhance secondary use, recycling, recovery of resources, and proper disposal are discussed. Package design in relation to solid waste disposal and materials and energy shortages are considered. Other topics of interest are discussed. Primarily a discussion class for senior students. Open to undergraduate non-majors. (Prerequisites: (PACK-301 and PACK-302 ) or (PACK-311 and PACK-312) or equivalent courses.) Lecture 3 (Fall). |
* Students majoring in industrial engineering must complete a technical elective in place of ISEE-345.
Program Contact
- Robin Borkholder
- Principal Lecturer
- Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Kate Gleason College of Engineering
- 585‑475‑2990
Offered within
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering