This activity requires some additional prep, but can cover a lot of material in one activity that gets students moving around the room.
Develop four or more prompts around the lesson topic to place at stations around the room, for example at the top of a whiteboard or on a table tent.
- Instruct students to walk around the room individually or in groups.
- At each station, students discuss and document their responses to the prompt using, for example, whiteboard markers or post-its.
- Students rotate to each station, reviewing prior students' answers, and adding their own.
- After all stations have been visited, the full class discusses final conclusions.
- Use Flipchart paper or whiteboards and markers.
- Use a collaborative document, with in-room displays to share results.
- Assign groups to summarize themes at each station before debriefing.
Large Class Considerations
- Have multiple copies of each prompt and split the room into sections where students only rotate within their section.