
Technology Overview

Panopto is RIT's course video hosting and streaming platform. It allows instructors to share videos in myCourses automatically to students enrolled in that course. Playback is adjusted to ensure smooth viewing across a variety of devices. Instructors can make their media accessible through the use of captions and an interactive, searchable transcript. Instructors can facilitate video-based assignments, discussions, and quizzes. Panopto also includes recording tools and lightweight editing software that can be used instead of Camtasia.

Use Case and Benefits

  • Upload course videos for sharing in myCourses.
  • Organize videos in playlists to keep related topics together. 
  • Add accessibility via captions and audio descriptions.
  • Share video content between instructors.
  • Control access and availability.
  • View student engagement statistics.
  • Add quiz questions to videos to check students' understanding.
  • Collect student-created video assignments from within the myCourses Assignments tool.
  • Use videos within myCourses discussion posts for more rich discussions.
  • Add videos to grading feedback.

Accessing the Technology

Browser-based tool accessed through myCourses.

Learn More & Get Help

To start learning about Panopto, review the following curated resources:



Additional resources are available in the CTL knowledge base.

  1. Access the CTL Knowledge Base and log in with your RIT account.
  2. Use the search box at the top of the page to find resources by keywords.
  3. Use the Categories in the left side navigation to find resources by topic area.

Instructors may also attend a group training or request a consultation for training.

For technical issues and other support, contact the Center for Teaching and Learning.