Bubble Answer Sheet Scanning Service

The Center for Teaching and Learning is replacing our Scantron tools with a new tool called Gradescope for processing bubble answer sheets. Instructors will be guided through the transition throughout the Fall 2024 semester. The Scantron tools and Scantron-specific bubble answer sheet will no longer be available after December 20, 2024. More details are provided in the FAQ below.

About the Bubble Answer Sheet Scanning Service

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) can scan bubble answer sheets used in exams for any instructor who requests it. This service is designed for instructors who teach large course sections where testing face-to-face using myCourses may be difficult, or instructors who use machine-gradable assessments but do not have access to a scanning device to process answer sheets.

Instructors can print copies of the Gradescope bubble answer sheet on any printer using standard white printer paper. If you have 1-100 questions in your exam, print just the front side of the page. If you have 101-200 questions in your exam, print both sides of the page and print double sided.

Completed bubble answer sheets may be dropped off at the CTL support desk (Wallace Library 05-A650) Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

The scanned files will be emailed to the instructor within 72 hours, Tuesday-Friday only. The instructor can pick up the original completed bubble answer sheets Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Instructors use Gradescope to automatically grade the scanned files. Review Setting Up and Grading Bubble Answer Sheets using Gradescope for details.

FAQ: Transition from Scantron to Gradescope

The physical Scantron machine used to scan the Scantron forms is an aging technology. The software used to process and grade the scans also limits instructors with what they can do with their tests and how students can complete the answer sheets.

Overall, RIT would benefit from a more modern and flexible solution. After a review of options for the use case, RIT selected Gradescope to replace the Scantron physical machine, the processing software, and the Scantron paper forms.

Some of the benefits of Gradescope for processing bubble answer sheets are:

  • Integration with myCourses to quickly sync the classlist and pass grades from Gradescope to the myCourses gradebook.
  • New answer options which allow for partial credit, variable points per question, multiple correct answers, and select all that apply.
  • Bubble answer sheets can be printed on standard printer paper using any printer. You no longer need to purchase specialized sheets from the RIT Print Hub and wait for delivery.
  • Students can use any pen or pencil for completing the forms.

Gradescope also provides extended capabilities such as efficiencies for grading handwritten worksheets, automatic code grading against instructor-submitted test cases, and annotation and feedback options.

  • The bubble answer sheet itself is a new version. It can be printed on standard copy paper from any printer. Instructors and departments no longer need to purchase specialized sheets from the RIT Print Hub and wait for delivery.
  • Instructors will create their answer key digitally instead of manually on paper. The digital version allows for adjusting the answer key at any time, and can retroactively apply those changes to previously scanned answer sheets.
  • Instructors will need to do some new setup steps to link myCourses to Gradescope. This linkage allows instructors to quickly sync the classlist between the two tools and pass grades from Gradescope to the myCourses gradebook.
  • Instructors have the choice to scan their own bubble answer papers, or the CTL can still scan the bubble answer papers for instructors. In both cases, the instructor will be the one to upload the file of the scans into Gradescope for processing. The instructor may need to resolve issues with name matching or uncertain marks, but otherwise, Gradescope will take care of the machine grading.

  • Instructors can still use bubble answer sheets for students to answer exam questions. 
  • Bubble answer sheets are still machine-gradable, saving instructors time.
  • The CTL can still scan bubble answer sheets to a digital file that will be used for machine grading. The CTL will email this file to the instructor, and the instructor will upload the file into Gradescope for processing.

We encourage you to start using Gradescope as soon as possible. You can meet with a CTL staff member for personalized training before your first exam in Fall 2024.

Once you start using Gradescope, you will need to use the Gradescope-specific bubble answer sheet instead of the Scantron-specific bubble answer sheet. 

If you have students who take their test through the Disability Services Office (DSO), please inform the DSO staff that you will be using the Gradescope-specific bubble answer sheet so they provide the correct form to the students.

CTL staff members can provide personalized, individualized training to help you get started: Request a meeting.

You are also welcome to review Setting Up and Grading Bubble Answer Sheets using Gradescope for self-serve training.

Yes. If you run an exam using the Scantron-specific bubble answer sheets, the CTL can still scan, process, and provide grade export forms for your Scantrons during Fall 2024.

This can be helpful for exams early in your semester where you are not yet ready to switch to Gradescope, or if you accidentally use the Scantron-specific bubble answer sheets and forget to use the Gradescope-specific bubble answer sheets.

If you have students who take their test through the Disability Services Office (DSO), please inform the DSO staff that you will be using the Scantron-specific bubble answer sheet so they provide the correct form to the students.

The Scantron tools and Scantron-specific bubble answer sheet will no longer be available for the Spring 2025 semester. 

Instructors will need to use Gradescope and Gradescope-specific bubble answer sheet. The CTL will continue to offer scanning services for Gradescope-specific bubble answer sheets.

Milestone Date
Initial email sent to instructors announcing the transition from Scantron to Gradescope Week of July 8, 2024
Instructors can schedule time to receive training about Gradescope Ongoing
CTL can scan your Gradescope-specific bubble answer sheets for you Ongoing
Final reminder email sent to instructors that have not transitioned from Scantron to Gradescope Week of December 2, 2024
Last day to use Scantron-specific bubble answer sheets for exams End of Fall 2024 semester (December 20, 2024)
Last day that CTL can scan Scantron-specific bubble answer sheets for you End of Fall 2024 semester (December 20, 2024)


If you have any questions about this service or the transition from Scantron to Gradescope, contact the Center for Teaching and Learning.