Tutoring at RIT

RIT offers a number of excellent free tutoring resources.

Each college has its own process for providing tutoring for students enrolled in its classes. Students should first check with their academic department to determine what tutor services are available. Contact the course professor or the program staff member listed on the college’s website.

If you’re not sure whom to contact, email Tutor@rit.edu for assistance.

Tutoring by Subject

Tutoring is available through the Saunders College of Business for students in ACCT 110 Financial Accounting, ACCT 210 Management Accounting, graduate ACCT 603 Accounting for Decision Makers, FINC 220 Financial Management, graduate FINC 721 Financial Analysis for Managers, MGIS 101 (Microsoft Excel), MGIS 320 Database Management Systems, MGIS 350 Developing Business Applications, and graduate MGIS 650 Introduction to Data Analytics and Business Intelligence. In addition, tutors may be able to help with foundation and other undergraduate and graduate courses in Analytics, Management, Marketing, Operations and other business disciplines.

Learn more accounting and finance tutoring

Students taking ACCT 110 Financial Accounting and ACCT 210 Management Accounting may also visit the Sol Study Center on Sundays from 6-9 p.m. Tutors are available on-site for walk-in appointments.

Students taking BIOL 101 General Biology 1 Lecture, BIOL-103 - General Biology 1 Lab, BIOG 101 - Explorations in Cell Biology and Evolution Lecture, and BIOG 103 - Explorations in Cell Biology and Evolution Lab can connect with a tutor at the Sol Study Center on Sundays and Wednesdays from 6-8 p.m. Tutors are available on-site for walk-in appointments.

Contact Dr. Sandi Connelly or Dr. Dawn Carter.

Tutoring is available in the Sol Study Center on Sundays from 6-9 p.m. for students taking CHEM 131 General Chemistry for Engineers and CHEM 141 General & Analytical Chemistry 1. Tutors are available on-site for walk-in appointments.

Additional tutoring is available for the following courses:

Biomedical Engineering
Contact Vikki McElroy, vlmbme@rit.edu

Chemical Engineering
Contact Vicki Rocha, veriao@rit.edu

Computer Engineering
Contact Sean Cain, srceec@rit.edu

Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering
Contact Sara Gaudioso, sageee@rit.edu

Industrial and Systems Engineering
Contact Kimberly Ray, kjriao@rit.edu

Mechanical Engineering
Contact Katarina Wayman, krweme@rit.edu

Tutoring is available for:

  • DMSO 310 Sonography Physics and Instrumentation II
  • MEDS 250 Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • MEDG 101 Human Biology
  • NTID Support Students Tutoring

Schedule for tutoring for select Health Science and Technology courses

The iSchool will use MyCourses for tutoring. Each supported course is allowed 2-4 hours per week.

Each TA has access to their class in MyCourses. TAs will email students regarding the tutoring schedule. If you have questions regarding tutoring for courses in iSchool, email Rhonda Baker.

Are you taking an introductory programming course and need some help? The GCCIS Tutoring Center (GOL-2410, overlooking the atrium) provides support for the following courses:

Computer Science (CS):

  • CSCI 140 Computer Science for AP Students
  • CSCI 141 Computer Science I
  • CSCI 142 Computer Science II
  • CSCI 242 Computer Science for Transfer Students

Golisano College Introductory Sequence (SE, CSEC, HCC, WMC, CIT, COMPEX):

  • GCIS 123 Software Development and Problem Solving I
  • GCIS 124 Software Development and Problem Solving II
  • GCIS 127 Software Development for Transfers

Interactive Games and Media (GDD, NMID):

  • IGME 105 Game Development and Algorithmic Problem Solving I
  • IGME 106 Game Development and Algorithmic Problem Solving II
  • IGME 101 New Media Interactive Design and Algorithmic Problem Solving I
  • IGME 102 New Media Interactive Design and Algorithmic Problem Solving II
  • IGME 206 Game Development for Programmers

All tutors can support questions regarding the ISCH 110 Principles of Computing course. Please visit the GCCIS Tutoring Center website for more information.

Math and Physics tutoring is available:

Tutors are available on-site for walk-in appointments.

Schedule for tutoring for math and physics

Mentors are available in person Monday-Thursday 10-6 in the SSE Mentoring Lab, GOL-1670.

Virtual mentoring on Fridays 10-6, http://sse.rit.edu/go/mentordiscord

Tutoring through NTID

NLC tutors will provide online tutoring for NTID English and Mathematics classes. NTID-supported students taking courses in the other colleges of RIT should contact their faculty tutor for help or contact your support coordinator, if you don’t know your tutor.

Contact information and schedules

Tutor for Hire

RIT provides a resource through CampusGroups called Tutor for Hire. Students can post free ads offering tutor help. Prices and logistics are negotiated by the students themselves.

Tutor Training

The Academic Success Center provides weekly trainings to connect tutors on campus. Training topics this semester include Communication and Vocabulary, Challenges to Group Tutoring, Brain-Based Learning and more! To review our schedule and to register, visit Tutor Training.

Writing Commons

The RIT Writing Center is staffed by a team of undergraduate, graduate, and faculty writing consultants with writing expertise in STEM and Humanities disciplines. They offer free one-on-one or group consultations for students in any course, with a special focus on First-year Writing (FYW) and Writing-Intensive (WI) courses. Writing consultations can be either in-person or online, scheduled through WCOnline. For AY 2022-23, the Writing Center is located in Suite A600 of the under-construction Wallace Library (Building 5).

Tutoring Through the Division of Diversity & Inclusion

Division of Diversity & Inclusion (DDI) Tutoring is a program that houses:

Student workers manage the space (Clark A - SAU 2520) and welcome students referred by peers, professors, advisors and other staff, and DDI programming. DDI Tutoring goes beyond providing academic strategies and content support. Through mentorship, student workers aid their peers by creating a sense of belonging and community, using affirming language, and sharing experiences of privilege and struggle.

Students in the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) can also visit the Sol Study Center for tutoring available Sunday-Thursday from 6-9 p.m. Tutors are available on-site for walk-in appointments.