Faculty Scholarship 2019

Information and Computing Studies

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Karen Beiter

Associate Professor
Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2019 Submissions

Journal Paper

Beiter, Karen J., et al. "What About Me? Theorizing Power and Pushback in Advancing Marginalized Identities." Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change 4. 1 (2019): 1-13. Web. £

Beiter, Karen J., et al. "What About Me? Theorizing Power and Pushback in Advancing Marginalized Identities." Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change 4. 1 (2019): 1-13. Web. £

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Donna Lange

Associate Professor
Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2019 Submissions

Uninvited Presentations

Lange, Donna and Brittany Comegna. "Improving Access to STEM Education and Employment for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students – An Update on DeafTEC Resources." California Educators of the Deaf Conference. California Educators of the Deaf. Riverside, CA. 6 Apr. 2019. Conference Presentation. ˜

Lange, Donna, Hira Pauliin, and Mike Sauter. "Best Practices for Teaching Student Veterans." HI-TEC. High Impact Technology Exchange Conference. St Louis, MO. 24 Jul. 2019. Conference Presentation. ˜

Lange, Donna, et al. "Top Ten Things Student Veterans Would like Faculty to Know." California Community College Veterans Summitt. Foundation for California Community Colleges. Monterey, CA. 21 Mar. 2019. Conference Presentation. ˜


Lange, Donna A and Denise Kavin (2018-2020). Collaborative Research: Opening the Pathway to Technician Careers: A Conference for Biology Teachers of Deaf Students. Grant proposal submitted to Advanced Technological Education, National Science Foundation. ≠

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James Mallory

Information and Computing Studies
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2019 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Mallory, James R. and Edmund S. Lucas. "How IoT and Raspberry Pi Technology Can Enhance Students’ Learning Opportunities in Technology." Proceedings of the 2019 ASEE Zone 1 Conference http://engineering.buffalo.edu/home/news/events/asee-conference.html. Ed. American Society for Engineering Education. Buffalo, NY: ASEE, 2019. Web. *

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Brian Trager

Associate Professor
Information and Computing Studies, Office of the President
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2019 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Butler, Janine, Brian Trager, and Byron Behm. "Exploration of Automatic Speech Recognition for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Higher Education Classes." Proceedings of the ASSETS '19 The 21st International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. Ed. Jeffrey P. Bigham. Pittsburgh, PA: ACM, 2019. Web. «

Published Game, Application or Software

Trager, Brian, Wendy Dannels, and Aaron Wade Parker. "MAG: De'VIA." Phone or Smart Device App. Center on Access Technology. 2019.

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