Faculty Scholarship 2019

Office of the Associate Dean of Research

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Lisa Elliot

Research Associate Professor
Office of the Associate Dean of Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2019 Submissions

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Elliot, Lisa and Lou Woodley. "DCL: NSF INCLUDES EAGER: A Study of Online Scientific Communities for Broadening Participation in STEM NSF HRD-1834978." Proceedings of the NSF INCLUDES Convening. Ed. Unknown. Alexandria, VA: n.p.. ≠

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Elliot, Lisa B. "Culturally Responsive Communities of Practice: Deaf STEM Community Alliance & the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Virtual Academic Community (DHHVAC)." AAAS Annual Meeting. AAAS. Washington, District of Columbia. 17 Feb. 2019. Conference Presentation. *


Heunerfauth, Matt and Lisa B Elliot (2020-2023). CHS: Medium: Critical Factors for Automatic Speech Recognition in Supporting Small Group Communication Between People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Hearing Colleagues. Grant proposal submitted to Information & Intelligent Systems - Cyber-Human Systems (CHS), NSF. ≠

Stinson, Michael, et al (2019-2022). Facilitating Knowledge Building in Teams that Include College Students who are Underrepresented in STEM. Grant proposal submitted to EHR Core, NSF. ≠

Stinson, Michael, et al (2020). Disability DCL: Facilitating Knowledge Building in Complex Problem Solving in Teams that Include Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing College Students. Grant proposal submitted to HRD, NSF. ˜

Heunerfauth, Matt and Lisa Elliot (2020-2023). CHS: Medium: Critical Factors for Automatic Speech Recognition in Supporting Small Group Communication Between People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Hearing Colleagues. Grant proposal submitted to Human Centered Computing, NSF. ˜

Manuscripts Submitted for Publication

Stinson, Michael, et al. "Knowledge Building and Problem Solving in Teams with Hearing, Deaf, and Hard-of-Hearing Postsecondary Students." 2019. TS - typescript (typed). *

Elliot, Lisa B., et al. "Supporting Autonomous Learning Skills in Developmental Mathematics Courses with Asynchronous Online Resources." 2019. TS - typescript (typed). ∆

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Peter Hauser

Office of the Associate Dean of Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2019 Submissions

Journal Paper

McKee, Michael, et al. "Deaf Adults' Health Literacy and Access to Health Information: Protocol for a Multicenter Mixed Methods Study." Journal of Medical International Research 8. 10 (2019): 0-0. Web. *

Uninvited Presentations

Cuculick, Jess, et al. "Specific Health Literacy Skills of Deaf and Hearing College Students: The Role of Accessing Indirect Health Information Based on Deaf Individuals from Deaf and Hearing Families." HARC. Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Bethesda, MD. 22 Oct. 2018. Conference Presentation. * £

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Hauser, Peter C. "Prevalence of Audism in the United States." Audism Conference. College International de Philosophie, Centre Alexandre-Koyré. Paris, France. 9 Jul. 2019. Conference Presentation. ∆

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Robert Pollard

Office of the Associate Dean of Research
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

2019 Submissions

Journal Paper

Dean, Robyn K. and Robert Q Pollard Jr. "Racioćinio ético Baseado no Context da Interpretação: Uma Perspectiva do Esquema de Controle de Demanda." Belas Infiéis Journal of the Unversity of Brasilia. (2020): 0. Print. ∆

Book Chapter

Fox, Meghan L. and Robert Q Pollard Jr. "Interpreting and the Mental Status Exam." "Handbook of Research on Medical Interpreting." Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020. 0. Print. ∆

Listman, Jason D. and Robert Q Pollard Jr. "Deaf Culture." The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2019. 545-548. Print. ˜

Listman, Jason and Robert Pollard. "Deaf Culture." The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2019. 545-548. Print. ∆

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper

Hall, Wyatte, et al. "Investigating Key Biopsychosocial Factors that Mediate Lifespan Management of Prelingual Deafness: A Phase One Report." Proceedings of the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November, 2018, San Diego, CA. Ed. Wyatte Hall. Sam Diego, CA: n.p.. *

Dong, E., et al. "A Preliminary Report of Biopsychosocial Management Strategies in Deaf Individuals." Proceedings of the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention. Ed. Wyatte Hall. Chicago, IL: n.p.. ˜

Uninvited Presentations

Dean, Robyn K., et al. "Risky Business: Cortisol Dysregulation in Signed Language Interpreters." Let\'s have a fika - culture in a cup. European Union of Sign Language Interpreters. Malmo, Sweden. 8 Sep. 2019. Conference Presentation. *

Dean, Robyn K., et al. "Risky Business: Cortisol Dysregulation in Signed Language Interpreters." Interpreting in the Age of AI. Critical Link. Tokyo, Japan. 15 Jun. 2019. Conference Presentation. *

Dean, Robyn K., et al. "Risky Business: Cortisol Dysregulation in Signed Language Interpreters." Translation, Interpretation, and Localization: Mitigating Risks in a Rapidly Changing World. Middlebury Institute of International Studies. Monterey, CA. 5 May 2019. Conference Presentation. *

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Dean, Robyn K. and Robert Q Pollard Jr. "Mental Health Interpreting: Clinical Information and Work Strategies for a Practice Profession." Mental Health Interpreter Training. Alabama Department of Mental Health. Montgomery, AL. 7 Aug. 2019. Guest Lecture.

Jr., Robert Q Pollard. "Forensics and the Deaf Population: Challenges and Strategies for Interpreters and Clinicians." Mental Health Interpreter Training. Alabama Department of Mental Health. Montgomery, AL. 5 Aug. 2019. Guest Lecture.

Jr., Robert Q Pollard. "Deaf-hearing Relations: “Getting it” and Avoiding Conflicts." ASL Class. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 24 Sep. 2019. Guest Lecture.

Jr., Robert Q Pollard. "Psychiatry and Deaf people: Fundamentals and Current Issues." Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 18 Sep. 2019. Guest Lecture.

Jr., Robert Q Pollard. "Mental Health Interpreting: A Mentored Curriculum: Train-the-trainer Workshop." Best Self Behavioral Health Continuing Education Program. Best Self Behavioral Health. Buffalo, NY. 16 May 2019. Guest Lecture.

Jr., Robert Q Pollard. "A Psychologist’s Journey in Academia." Continuing Education, Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester Medical Center. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 7 May 2019. Guest Lecture.

Jr., Robert Q Pollard. "“Deaf culture” What is it? Why is it? And why should it matter to me?" Continuing Education, Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester Medical Center. University of Rochester. Rochester, NY. 17 Apr. 2019. Guest Lecture.

Dean, Robyn K. and Robert Q Pollard Jr. "Interpreting in mental health settings: Interdisciplinary dialogue." Best Self Behavioral Health Continuing Education Program. Best Self Behavioral Health. Buffalo, NY. 27 Feb. 2019. Guest Lecture.

Dean, Robyn K. and Robert Q Pollard Jr. "Interpreting in Mental Health Settings: Interdisciplinary Dialogue." Best Self Behavioral Health Continuing Education Program. Best Self Behavioral Health. Buffalo, NY. 28 Feb. 2019. Guest Lecture.

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