Jasminka Samardzija Headshot

Jasminka Samardzija

Professional studies professor-tenure

RIT Croatia

Jasminka Samardzija

Professional studies professor-tenure

RIT Croatia

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Milkovic, Marin, Jasminka Samardzija, and Mira Ognjan. "Application of Blockchain Technology in Media Ecology." Medijska istraživanja 26(1). (2020): 29-52. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka, Joseph Kevin Walker, and Vanda Bazdan. "Career development and personal success profile of students - followers and students - potential future leaders: The case of RIT Croatia." Journal of Contemporary Management Issues Vol.22. (2017): 85-107. Web.
Samardzija, Jasminka, Joseph Kevin Walker, and Milena Kuznin. "STUDENT LEADERSHIP, CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND PERSONAL SUCCESS PROFILES." Ekonomska misao i praksa. No. 1 (2017): 343-361. Web.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Interpreting Typical Profile of Transition Leaders — Case Croatia." Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business Vol.19 No.SCI. December (2016): 15-28. Print.
Andrijasevic, Ana, Milena Kuznin, and Jasminka Samardzija. "Breaking the Glass Ceiling Through Self-Actualization and Performance Improvements in Croatia." RIThink Vol. 4. (2014): 3-9. Web.
Pecoti, Marija, Vanda Bazdan, and Samardzija Jasminka. "Interior Design in Restaurants as a Factor Influencing Customer Satisfaction." RIThink Vol. 4. (2014): 10-14. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Croatian Leaders What do they do Differently?" Magazine of the American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia, News&Views. No.1 (2014): 16-17. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka and Jasmina Mali. "Crte licnosti kreativnih ljudi." Zbornik VP Libertas. 6 (2013): 235-245. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Kriza je vrijeme za rast u dubinu." JaTRGOVAC. 28 (2013): 46-47. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Kolika je cijena mog nereda?" Poslovni savjetnik. 75 (2011): 32-33. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka and Tonci Lazibat. "Globalna Kultura Izvrsnosti." Ekonomska Misao i Praksa, Praksa: Asopis Sveucilista u Dubrovniku. No.1 (2010): 121-138. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka, Goran Marijanovic, and Sasa Karlovcan. "Analiza Rezultata Istrazivanja Razine Poslovne Izvrsnosti u Republici Hrvatskoj." Poslovna izvrsnost Vol. 4. No. 2 (2010): 9-23. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Dobri medjuljudski odnosi baza za postizanje poslovne ucinkovitosti." Racunovodstvo i financije. 9 (2010): 161-165. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Nova, revidirana Incoterms pravila 2010." Racunovodstvo i financije. 5 (2010): 76-80. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "U borbi s egom izvukla/o sam...kraj." Poslovni savjetnik. 2 (2010): 40-41. Print.
Published Conference Proceedings
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Globalization Propensity of Transition leaders: push and pull factors." Proceedings of the 12th Annual Euromed Academy of Business (ΕΜΑΒ), Business Management Theories and Practices in a Dynamic Competitive Environment Thessaloniki, Greece September 18-20, 2019. Ed. Demetris Vrontis, Yaakov Weber, Evangelos Tsoukatos. Thessaloniki, Greece: EuroMed Press, 2018. Web.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Selfless vs Selfish Leaders: Who is More Productive, and Who is Happier?" Proceedings of the 8th PAR International Leadership Conference: The impact of business angels on global entrepreneurship, Opatija. Ed. Vladimir Rosić. Opatija, Croatia: PAR College, 2019. Print.
Markovic, Milivoj, Nikola Draskovic, and Jasminka Samardzija. "COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN COST SENSITIVE GLASS PACKAGING INDUSTRY THROUGH OUTBOUND LOGISTICS." Proceedings of the 17th international scientific conference Business Logistics in Modern Management, October 12-13 2017. Ed. Davor Dujak, Jelena Franjkovic. Osijek, Croatia: EFOS - Faculty of Economics in Osijek, 2017. Web.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Propulsive leadership characteristics for upgrading new generation of leaders in transition societies." Proceedings of the 10th annual EUROMED ACADEMY OF BUSINESS (ΕΜΑΒ) CONFERENCE Global and national business theories and practice: bridging the past with the future. Ed. Demetris Vrontis, Yaakov Weber, and Evangelos Tsoukatos. Rome, Italy: EuroMed Press, 2017. Web.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Discriminative Analysis of Female and Male Leadership Characteristics on the Croatian Population." Proceedings of the Ekonomska politika Hrvatske u 2018. Ed. Ljubo Jurcic. Opatija, Croatia: Hrvatsko društvo ekonomista, 2017. Web.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Psychological Profile of Leaders in Transition Countries - Case Croatia." Proceedings of the An Enterprise Odyssey, International Conference Proceedings; Zagreb: 254-263. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business. (Jun 8-Jun 11, 2016). Ed. Prof.dr.sc. Lovorka Galetic. Zagreb, Croatia: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business, 2016. Print.
Jasminka, Samardzija, Kevin Joseph Walker, and Milena Kuznin. "Leadership Characteristics — A Study of Student Development." Proceedings of the Conference Proceedings of 5th Par International Leadership Conference: Leadership Through Partnership. Ed. prof. dr. sc. Vladimir Rosić. Opatija 2016, Croatia: Business School PAR, Leight University and Lacocca Institute, 2016. Print.
Samardzija, Marko Vojnovic; Jasminka. "The Impacts and Effects that Currency Exchange Rates Have on Foreign Tourists´ Perception of the quality in Hospitality Industry; Case Croatia." Proceedings of the 17. medjunarodni simpozij o kvaliteti KVALITETA CINI RAZLIKU Zadar, 16.-18. ozujka 2016. Ed. Miroslav Drljaca. Zagreb, Croatia: HDMK, 2016. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka and Tonci Lazibat. "EFQM Excellence Model Strong Base for Sustainable Sucess of the Croatian Organizations." Proceedings of the Total Quality Management � Advanced and Intelligent approaches, Organised by Mechanical Engineering Faculty. Ed. Prof. Dr. L. Alting, et al. Belgrade, Serbia: Mechanical Engineering Faculty, 2011. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Kriteriji Hrvatske nagrade za poslovnu izvrsnost." Proceedings of the Zbornik radova 12. medunarodnog Simpozija o kvaliteti Kvalitetom do poslovne izvrsnosti. Ed. Prof. Dr. L. Alting, Prof. dr. sc. Victor Vladimirovch Timchenko, and Dr.sc. Miroslav Drljaca. Zagreb, Croatia: OSKAR, 2011. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka and Davorin Kralj. "EFQM Excellence Model 2010 Solid Framework for Introducing Environmental Innovation." Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signals (CSS). Ed. Narsingh Deo, et al. Valletta, Malta: WSEAS Press, 2010. Web.
Samardzija, Jasminka, Filip Fadi, and Drazen Cucic. "The Right Thing for Business and the Right Thing for Society are not Incommensurate." Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Vallis Aurea Focus on: Regional Development. Ed. Branko Katalini. Pozega, CROATIA: Polytechnic of Pozega, Croatia & DAAAM International Vienna, 2010. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka and Tonci Lazibat. "Revizija EFQM modela poslovne izvrsnosti." Proceedings of the 11. medunarodni Simpozij o kvaliteti KVALITETA, KONKURENTNOST I ODR'IVOST. Ed. Prof. dr. sc. Victor Vladimirovic Timchenko, et al. Sv. Martin na Muri, CROATIA: OSCAR, 2010. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka, Toni Lazibat, and Ines Suti. "ISO 26000 SR DRU TVENA ODGOVORNOST." Proceedings of the Zbornik radova 10. Hrvatske konferencije o kvaliteti i 1. znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskog drustva za kvalitetu. Ed. Kresimir Buntak. Sibenik, CROATIA: HDK, 2010. Print.
Samardzija, Jasminka. "Poslovna izvrsnost u Republici Hrvatskoj." Proceedings of the 10. Hrvatska konferencija o kvaliteti i 1. znanstveni skup Hrvatskog drustva za kvalitetu. Ed. Kresimir Buntak. Sibenik, Croatia: HDK, 2010. Print.
National/International Competition Award Winner
Samardzija, Jasminka. Croatian Quality Managers Society / HDMK. HDMK charter for special contribution to the development and promoting of quality awareness in 2016. Zadar, Croatia, Croatia, 2016.
Samardzija, Jasminka. Lecture on "Doing business in Croatia / Croatian leaders how they succeed?“. 8 Apr. 2016. RIT Croatia Zagreb campus AUK partnership, Zagreb. Performance.
Full Length Book
Samardzija, Jasminka. Intervjui sa 100 HRVATSKIH LIDERA o ivotu i razvoju karijere. 1st ed. Zagreb, CROATIA: Motivacijski govornik, 2013. Print.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Microeconomics studies the workings of individual markets. That is, it examines the interaction of the demanders of goods and services with the suppliers of those goods and services. It explores how the behavior of consumers (demanders), the behavior of producers (suppliers), and the level of market competition influence market outcomes.
3 Credits
Macroeconomics studies aggregate economic behavior. The course begins by presenting the production possibilities model. This is followed by a discussion of basic macroeconomic concepts including inflation, unemployment, and economic growth and fluctuations. The next topic is national income accounting, which is the measurement of macroeconomic variables. The latter part of the course focuses on the development of one or more macroeconomic models, a discussion of the role of money in the macroeconomy, the aggregate supply-aggregate demand framework, and other topics the individual instructor may choose.