Kristijan Tabak Headshot

Kristijan Tabak

Professional studies professor

RIT Croatia

Kristijan Tabak

Professional studies professor

RIT Croatia

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Tabak, Kristijan and Mario Osvin Pavcevic. "CZ-GROUPS." Glasnik Matematicki Vol 51. (71) (2016): 345-358. Print.
Tabak, Kristijan. "On Hadamard Groups with Relatively Large $2$-subgroup." European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 8. 4 (2015): 450-457. Print.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course provides the background for an introductory level, non-trigonometry based calculus course. The topics include a review of the fundamentals of algebra: solutions of linear, fractional, and quadratic equations, functions and their graphs, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic and rational functions, and systems of linear equations.
4 Credits
This course is an introduction to the topics of discrete mathematics, including number systems, sets and logic, relations, combinatorial methods, graph theory, regular sets, vectors, and matrices.
3 Credits
This course introduces statistical methods of extracting meaning from data, and basic inferential statistics. Topics covered include data and data integrity, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, numeric summary measures, the normal distribution, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. The emphasis of the course is on statistical thinking rather than computation. Statistical software is used.
4 Credits
This course is an elementary introduction to the topics of regression and analysis of variance. The statistical software package Minitab will be used to reinforce these techniques. The focus of this course is on business applications. This is a general introductory statistics course and is intended for a broad range of programs.