The Alumni Student Mentorship Program is opening Applications for a new Cohort

RIT Croatia is opening applications for a new round of the Alumni Student Mentorship program and encourages all interested Alumni to apply!

This year’s cohort will be launched at the beginning of October 2023 and will run until the end of December 2023. Same as in previous years, through this program, RIT Croatia will pair up alumni and students with similar areas of interest, so students can have a support system, receive career guidance, and an the opportunity to make professional contacts. This program will be tailor-made for each individual pair. 


This particular program has multiple benefits for both parties involved. Successful Alumni have the power to inspire, motivate, and support RIT Croatia students. Their knowledge, expertise, and insight will help students maximize their RIT Croatia experience and open their eyes to the opportunities and challenges they will face upon graduation. On the other hand, this is also a learning opportunity for our Alumni, as they will receive a new and fresh perspective from the student’s end, find needed support within certain topics, and gain direct insights into recruitment possibilities.


  • Alumni who are interested in the Alumni Student Mentorship Program can submit their application at this LINK by Wednesday, September 20, 2023. 
  • Students who are interested in the Alumni Student Mentorship Program can submit their application at this LINK by Wednesday, September 20, 2023. 



  • RIT Croatia’s Career Services, Alumni Relations, Study Abroad, and International Students Department will be pairing up alumni and students with similar areas of interest during the last week of September;
  • All involved mentee-mentor groups should receive final updates (matching insights) from RIT Croatia  by September 29, 2023;
  • All individuals entering the Alumni Student Mentorship program will sign a cooperation agreement and will receive all required information for successful program completion;
  • The mentorship program can commence once the agreement is signed. The program is expected to run for three months, from October 2 until December 31, 2023;
  • Mentees will be required to submit brief monthly cooperation reports to the Alumni office, enabling us to monitor the program's success.  

Thank you for making a difference!