Community Service Day in Dubrovnik

Community Service Day in Dubrovnik

Our annual Community Service Day at the Dubrovnik campus was held this Friday, April 13. Freshmen students, mentored by prof. Rebecca Charry, decided to dedicate their time and efforts for the benefit of residents of the "Centar za rehabilitaciju" Josipovac nearby Dubrovnik. Around 40 students and professors spent a wonderful morning socializing with the residents of the Center and took part in small group activities with them.

"I am very pleased that this year's Community Service Day at Josipovac center turned out to be a great success. Not only did all logistical arrangements go very smoothly, but more importantly, our students really engaged warmly and productively with the residents there, with singing, dancing, games and crafts. It was truly a touching experience for us, and educational for the students as well. We had some excellent conversations with the director and have some ideas for future cooperation with them. We can really be proud of our students", commented professor Charry.