Coronavirus (COVID-19 virus) – Information and Updates


You can find most relevant information at the following


April 6, 2020

Dear students,

We wanted to take this opportunity to share a few general updates on cooperative education for the summer semester. As mentioned, summer co-op is still planned to be delivered in the usual format, but we are regularly monitoring the situation and adjusting accordingly. Thus, we are currently actively working on different co-op solutions for summer 2020 and we'll be sharing these with all of you in the weeks to come.

The Career Services office is in regular contact with our corporate partners to assess all possibilities for co-op's that have been offered and are due to happen in the summer semester. As we have already communicated, due to COVID-19, many interviews and hiring decisions are on hold at the moment until employers see how the whole situation will unwind.

You can all be assured that we will find a solution that will work for all since our goal is that these extenuating circumstances do not negatively impact your studies at RIT Croatia.

Also, if you've already managed to secure your Coop placement-please reach out to us to share the details. If you are still searching/waiting for the opportunities and you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us anytime.


Career Services Office- Manuela, Petra, Marina and Petra


April 2, 2020

New, temporary policies regarding the Spring 2195 alternate grading option can be found as follows:

For undergraduate students, please click HERE.

For graduate students, please click HERE.

We encourage you to visit the Frequently Asked Question section as well.


As we all embrace the new ways of delivering classes, RIT has prepared some useful tips and tricks for you HERE.


March 16, 2020

Hello Tigers!

RIT has been engaging students in distance learning for almost 40 years and has all tools and knowledge needed to fully transition classes into an online environment. We have been preparing for this step and we are ready.

However, this is a novel situation for all of us, so both our faculty and our students need to work together to make this work! We need your active participation in an online classroom, as well as understanding that we are all operating in a new environment. Hence, we all need to communicate, have patience and be flexible. We are doing our best and are committed to help you finish this semester successfully!

How will RIT Croatia communicate with its students?

  • Email is the primary communication channel - it will be used both by RIT Croatia administration and faculty
  • The second most relevant channel students need to check is MyCourses. All relevant information about your coursework will be posted there
  • General communication, updates on the situation, important documents, FAQ, tips & tricks for attending and participating in an online class will be available on our website. We will further promote the updates on our social media: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
  • If you have any questions, send them to The email is being monitored and you will be provided with a response ASAP

What you need to know before classes resume (March 23)

  • Both campuses remain open, but there will be no classes, and no office hours
  • For all assignments that have deadlines in the period March 16-22, the deadlines will be postponed. Faculty will share information specific for their courses and assignments directly with students through e-mail and/or MyCourses.

General information about the reminder of the Spring semester - how will it work?

  • The classes resume on Monday, March 23, in an online format. Students are expected to actively participate in the new format of the class delivery.
  • Once we start, we will stay in the online format until the end of semester. The planned last day of classes stays the same, April 27. Activities in the week of finals will also be converted online.
  • Tutoring will also stay available to students, it will also move to the online environment. As we work through all of the details, they will be shared by course instructors.

What you need to know about online format of classes?

For many activities MyCourses can be used, so that will frequently be the new online environment.

  • Online classes can be delivered in two formats
  1. Synchronous: virtual classroom in which students and instructors are present at the same time. For connecting to virtual classrooms, web based tools (or apps) like Zoom or Blue Jeans will be used. The way that works: a faculty member will share a link with students for a live class session, each student clicks the link and joins the class, at a specified time. Online meeting tools will also be available for office hours.
  2. Asynchronous: a good example is a discussion board
  • Classes at RIT Croatia could have elements of both types of activities. As faculty redesign the courses, they will share the detailed information with their students

We know that at this point in time there are many open questions. As we work through them, we'll be sharing any updates promptly. Hence, please continue to regularly check emails as this will be our primary means of communication.

Stay safe and healthy.


RIT Croatia team

Coronavirus - RIT Croatia Schedule Change & Adjustments

March 12, 2020

Dear RIT Croatia community members,

Following thoughtful discussion and consultation with the Rochester campus, we have decided to take the following steps to mitigate the potential spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on our campuses. We also want to mention that we do not have any confirmed cases of COVID-19 at RIT Croatia at this time.

Our Dubrovnik and Zagreb campuses will continue to remain open, and many of our operations and activities will continue, although there will be adjustments. In addition to ensuring your health and safety, and that of our faculty and staff, we are also committed to ensuring that you are able to fulfill your academic requirements. As a result, the following will occur on the RIT Croatia campuses:

  • The spring break will be extended through Sunday, March 22nd. No classes will be held next week, but the campuses will be open. During the week preparation for delivering courses online for the balance of the semester will occur.
  • Online delivery of classes will begin on Monday, March 23rd. Students will be advised how to access their coursework.
  • Campus services, such as Academic Advising, Career Services, ITS, etc., will be available, but may be modified.
  • Upcoming events and gatherings will be postponed or cancelled. We will advise you accordingly.
  • The gyms in both campuses will be closed until further notice.
  • All current student workers will be given the option to work.

While completing classes students may choose to reside at their permanent place of residence or their Dubrovnik/Zagreb temporary residence. Social distancing and enhanced preventative public health and hygiene measures are strongly encouraged. We urge all RIT Croatia community members to make the choice that is best for their own personal situation.

Understandably there remain many unanswered questions given this rapidly changing situation. We assure all that we will work to provide our community members with additional information as soon as it is available, and will make decisions based on the best and most current public health guidance available. We also encourage all to stay knowledgeable of the evolving conditions in your areas. Also, please continue to regularly check emails as this will be our primary means of communication.

Stay safe and healthy, and let us know if you have any questions.Stay safe and healthy, and should you have questions or concerns, please CONTACT US.

RIT Croatia Administration

Coronavirus (COVID-19 virus) - Information and Updates

February 27, 2020

We are closely monitoring the situation regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) both in Croatia and globally. Locally, we are working with health officials to ensure we are aware of changing conditions and responding effectively. We are also working closely with the Rochester campus to ensure we are in line with existing measures imposed across our global campuses.

As always, we make students and their well-being our priority; hence, we are keeping them informed about the current situation and any measures taken. At our Zagreb and Dubrovnik campuses we have ensured to supply our students with available hand sanitizers as well as shared best practices on how to decrease the chances of getting sick. This includes: regularly washing hands, avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth as well as seeking medical care if they are short of breath, have a fever for more than three days, or can't keep fluids down.

Classes are running as per our regular schedule and faculty and staff are readily available. Should you have questions or concerns, please contact Ivona Labaš, our Director of Strategic Development, ITS & Facilities at 020-433-000 or e-mail her at

For more information, visit RIT's official communication: