Dr. Branko Mihaljević and Dr. Martin Žagar attended the 24th International HrOUG (Croatian Oracle User Group) Conference

Dr. Branko Mihaljević and Dr. Martin Žagar attended the 24th International HrOUG (Croatian Oracle User Group) Conference

October 29, 2019

Dr. Branko Mihaljević and Dr. Martin Žagar attended the 24th International HrOUG (Croatian Oracle User Group) Conference on October 16-17 in Rovinj and delivered a presentation with the title "Software Development in Java - Today and Tomorrow" on behalf of HUJAK (Croatian Java User Group). They presented and discussed many important changes that happened in the Java ecosystem since Java 8 up until the latest Java 13, including the use of the module system (JPMS), local variable type inference (aka vars), difference between OpenJDK and Oracle JDK, improved memory management and experimental garbage collectors, new switch expressions and text blocks syntax, and the latest Java 11 certification, as well as some upcoming changes based on projects Metropolis (with GraalVM, Graal compiler, and Truffle framework), Valhalla (new value types and specialized generics), and Loom (delimited continuations and new JVM-level threads named fibers).