Dr. Luka Boršić is a new editor-in-chief of RIThink journal!

Dr. Luka Boršić is a new editor-in-chief of RIThink journal!

October 19, 2018


"Building upon the great work and efforts of the past editors, Dr. Staša Puškarić and Dr. Jasminka Samardžija, I would like to continue advancing and promoting academic and professional work of our faculty and our students as well as the academic reputation of RIT Croatia.", says Dr. Boršić the new editor of RIThink, RIT Croatia's professional and scientific journal of peer reviewed articles from a broad range of fields.

Luka Boršić is one of our general education faculty members; he is a true enthusiast when it comes to his (scientific) field - philosophy! He is a senior research associate and vice director of the Institute of philosophy in Zagreb, and has actively participated at more than 40 conferences and workshops, keynote lectures. He has been with RIT Croatia since its 2009.

RIThink is available only online; it supports a virtual multidisciplinary conversation about the practical and theoretical issues of our time. The journal brings together scientists, researchers, experts, and students of RIT Croatia community in an open academic discourse of innovative ideas, both tested and untested. Papers co-authored by academic researchers and their students are particularly encouraged.

Dr. Boršić shares his vision of the journal: "The plan is to have RIThink indexed in relevant domestic and international databases (Hrčak, ProQuest Social Science, Scopus, WoSCC etc.) in the future. Also, we would also like to have a more informal, non-peer-reviewed section in which other types of texts could be published as well."

The general topic of the journal is business. Since RIThink is and continues to be a multidisciplinary journal, this topic is open to various disciplines: it is not only economy, but also web and mobile computing, information technology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, languages, literature etc. that have something to say on various aspects of business.

"Everyone is encouraged to submit a manuscript written in cooperation and/or co-authorship with our students.", says Dr. Boršić who invited RIT Croatia faculty to encourage the student/s to participate in this, and invite scientists and experts outside RIT Croatia to submit their texts as well. The deadline for submission is December 31, 2018. Submission address is: luka.borsic@croatia.rit.edu