Dr Majda Tafra held a Crisis Management seminar for the students of ICD Business School in Paris June 18, 2020

Dr Majda Tafra held a Crisis Management seminar for the students of ICD Business School in Paris

June 18, 2020

In the first week of June Dr Tafra held an 18- hours long online Crisis Management seminar to 51 Master students at Paris based ICD Business school (https://www.icd-bs.com). This seminar was based on Incident Management and Crisis Resolution concept which heavily relies on prevention as part of the overall crisis planning but also has the intervention/communication part.Most of the business models that are currently in use are rarely designed with the high level of instability of the business environment and potential crises in mind. That is the reason why many traditional business models are altered or even completely changed in the times of crisis. In order to insulate the business from potential crises, businesses incorporate sometimes rather sophisticated and costly risk management and crisis management platforms and procedures in the overall business planning and performance hoping that would pay off in the times of crisis.

In this online seminar held on Microsoft Teams, students were divided in eight groups which worked independently on applying asset protection tools in respective companies. The simulation was applied through worst case scenarios. The final assignment was on crisis communication where the groups were to draft basic communication and submit the video of the media conference. In addition, students participated in a survey by Dr Tafra that investigated how much the media coverage of COVID-19 impacted students of ICD Business school and their capacities to learn. The survey showed that students were worried for their health and were not able to study as usual. This survey will be part of a wider research on the impact of media coverage of COVID-19 on attitudes of young people during the pandemic.

Dr. Tafra held this seminar in this school last year and also in INSEEC business school (https://www.inseec.com/).