Eta Sigma Delta Honorary Society of RIT Croatia proudly presented their First Round Table

Eta Sigma Delta Honorary Society of RIT Croatia proudly presented their First Round Table

By Belma Sokolović

On April 19th, 2018, Eta Sigma Delta Honorary Society organized the society's first Round Table on the topic of "International Skills Development: The Triad of Students-Higher Education-Hospitality Companies" which took place at the Bellevue hotel in Dubrovnik. The aim of the Round Table was to discuss the interconnection between the competence, knowledge, attitude and skills needed for the success in global hospitality area. The reason behind this was familiarization of students with the importance of education in skills development necessary for the success in various fields of Hospitality and Service industry. The Round Table was students-driven with assistance of RIT Croatia professors who provided practical guidance and advice on how to conduct a successful event. This was beneficial to Hospitality and Service management students, as they could get a good first hand insight into event management and learn from the industry experts.

Eta Sigma Delta and RIT Croatia had a pleasure of hosting Professor Maximillian Schachner from the FH Krems (University of Applied Sciences, Austria) as the key note speaker of the Round Table. Professor Schachner also delivered a lecture at our Dubrovnik campus on the topic of "International Marketing: Case of Austria".

Other distinguished panelists were Ms. Sanela Omerčahić (General Manager of Hotel Bellevue), Mr. Nikola Avram (MK Mountain Resort, Kopaonik) and Dr. Irena Guszak Cerovečki (Associate Dean, RIT Croatia, Zagreb Campus). Both Ms. Omerčahić and Mr. Avram are graduates of RIT Croatia who are now successful business professionals in the hotel industry. They provided students with an insight on which skills and competencies are valued when applying for specific job positions. Ms. Omerčahić and Mr. Avram agreed that the most important would be the positive, driven attitude and ability to adapt to various environments. Our Associate Dean from Zagreb campus, Dr. Guszak Cerovečki stressed the importance of going through the education process that is necessary in acquiring the necessary knowledge that will enhance the practical skills acquired at work.

Eta Sigma Delta E-board wanted students to learn more about the skills that employees seek for in their future employees which is why they chose General Managers from renowned hotels. On the other hand, they believed it would be of a great importance for their colleagues to know how the education processes influences the development of such skills that are acquired only at work or that are purely personality-based. "As the President of Eta Sigma Delta I believe that the Round Table largely contributed to understanding the paths of our future careers as the students had the opportunity to hear from experts what the key elements for successful job performance are. Knowledge, experience, skills and willingness to learn something new positive attitude towards job create the perfect formula for success in a career. Theory is good, but practical skills are the ones to acquire." claimed Josipa Buble, President of Eta Sigma Delta.

The students worked hard throughout the semester by organizing meetings to find the ideal venue, craft invitations and choose the relevant industry representatives. Thanks to our alumna and General Manager of Bellevue Hotel, Ms. Omerčahić, the event was conducted on the premises of this newly renovated Adriatic Luxury Hotel. "We are very thankful for the opportunity to conduct the event at such hotel as Bellevue. We really put our utmost efforts in creating something that will be useful and interesting to students. The purpose of the panel was not only to listen to the presentation, but also connect with our graduates. It is of a great honor that we had successful professionals speaking from their own experience as the RIT Croatia alumni and dedicated employees of Hospitality and Service industry." stated Belma Sokolović, Vice president of Eta Sigma Delta.

On this occasion, after two semesters of successful work, ESD Chapter Advisor Milena Kužnin, HSM Area Head Besim Agušaj and Josipa Buble, President of ESD, awarded the recently inducted 10 members with official certificates, pins and cords that symbolize Eta Sigma Delta Honorary Society:

(Eta Sigma Delta E-board)

Belma Sokolović (Vice President of ESD Honorary Society)

Jelena Ćenan (ESD Secretary)

Niko Katušić (Marketing Director)


Ana Marija Trojić

Antonela Topić

Jelena Baričević

Mariela Kralj

Jovana Ivanović

Milica Markoč

Petra Knežević

An idea of being a student member of an Honorary Society such as Eta Sigma Delta was created around a wish to recognize the excellence of outstanding scholars in the Hospitality industry. This is not something that is widely popular in the region of Croatia which is why there are many questions in regards to what its purpose actually is and what it means to be an ESD member.

"Eta Sigma Delta Honorary Society invites hospitality students to step out of the mediocrity and carry the light of becoming creative leaders who are service oriented with high moral and ethical drives. ESD members do represent that excellence in hospitality education at RIT Croatia's Dubrovnik campus by being in the top 20 percent of the undergraduate students' body. The society is student run with the assistance of the advisor who enhances their learning experience and guides the process of becoming servant leaders of the future. The ESD e-board members took upon themselves a tough task to organize the first ever Round Table Panel and in a humble yet confident way achieved success. The Panel was a joint effort between students, faculty and industry representatives and as such can serve as a model for similar future events. It is without any doubt that the ESD society will continue to add value to the educational experience and build upon what RIT Croatia recognized two years ago as a need - to enhance the image of hospitality career.", explains prof. Milena Kužnin, Eta Sigma Delta Chapter Advisor.

Eta Sigma Delta recognizes the value of knowledge and education by recognizing and praising students' hard work and commitment to Hospitality industry. It motivates the students to always go beyond expected and achieve various professional and personal goals.

We would like to congratulate and thank our students for the organization of the successful First Round Table and we are looking forward to more of them in the future.