Family Feud strikes again!

Family Feud strikes again!

April 17, 2019

After the successful Round 1 that took place in March, Eta Sigma Delta honor society organized yet another Family Feud quiz, this time on the topic of "Leadership".

The quiz took place on Friday, April 12 at the Dubrovnik campus. Two teams of students, led by professors Barbara Perić and Zrinka Friganović Sain, did their best to answer questions related to leadership and guess what were the correct answers based on the survey of 100 students at our campus.

Moderated by professor Kevin Walker, the quiz was again a huge success, with lots of funny and inspiring moments that were interesting to both contestants and members of the audience.

Congratulations to the winning team led by professor Perić, and a big thank you to all who took part in organizing this event and making sure that all details were in place.