Former RIT Croatia President Receives Recognition for Contributions to Higher Education

Former president and dean Don Hudspeth has been honored with the Povelja Zbora Veleučilišta award by the Croatian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences (Zbor Veleučilišta). The formal ceremony took place on July 11, 2024, in Vukovar.

The Povelja Zbora Veleučilišta award is granted to outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of professional studies and programs in polytechnics.

“I am deeply grateful for this recognition from the Croatian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences. It is an honor to have the contributions of RIT Croatia acknowledged in this way. As the first private higher education institution in Croatia offering professional studies, we demonstrated the demand for private education and the need for applied professional studies in the Croatian industry. Our success has paved the way for other institutions, both public and private, highlighting the strategic importance of professional studies in Croatia. This award is a testament to the hard work of everyone at RIT Croatia and RIT. We can all be proud of our contributions to higher education in Croatia and the region. Again, I am honored to receive this recognition,” said Don Hudspeth.

RIT Croatia's president and dean Dr. Irena Guszak and the Director of Recruitment & Enrollment Ivana Silić were also present at the formal ceremony.


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