Giving Back to Community as part of the Class Project

Giving Back to Community as part of the Class Project

Volunteering activities and giving back to the community is nothing new at our campuses. Our students give back through our Community Service Day(s), The Charity Auctions, and as part of class.

Prof. Majda Tafra explains: "In our Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility class, students needed to develop a project of connecting a sustainable development goal of their choice and not only write about it but put it to life as well. As part of their projects students prepared charity events, creative new initiatives in civil society sector, and one group turned a large piece of littered site in Zagreb suburb into a fertile land for the local community."

Kristina Boras is one of the students prof. Tafra talks about: "Every day we pass by a certain route in Sopot and we noticed a field that was heavily littered. Since we pass by the path on a daily basis we decided that we should clean the area. We came up with the idea a bit before the project was even introduced, however once the project was assigned we decided to implement it. The group consisted of 14 students because we decided to join forces with another group that also had the same project since we realized that it would require a lot of teamwork."

When you give to the community - it gives back as well!

One Saturday the group went to the location; they decided to split the costs of the garbage bags, gloves and other materials. "The most important thing that made our quest successful was the willpower of each of the students. We all came on an early Saturday morning because we cared to make a difference in the community, and this exact willpower was what made the work efficient and fun", said Kristina.

The group cleaned for 5 hours and during the time of cleaning many locals that lived nearby came up to talk to the students and express their gratitude for our students' work. "They gave us equipment such as rakes and even offered us food. A week after we had cleaned it we passed by the path again and noticed they had started to plant", adds Kristina.

Next step? Start an organization that would clean other areas in Zagreb

After completing this project, students realized that there are many more areas around Zagreb that are also neglected. They decided that they should continue with their efforts. After sharing it with their friends, they realized there were more people who wanted to get involved.

Kristina explains: "After the success of the first project we have decided to start an organization. Alongside our cleaning, we also want to spread awareness about waste management and recycling. On our social media pages, we will educate the public, post before and after pictures of our projects and encourage people to get involved. We plan to launch the organization in September once everyone is back in Zagreb."

Their professor was really happy with the overall outcome: "We have their efforts on video; it is really impressive and I encourage everyone to see it. Local people loved what they did and I am really proud of our students."

The only thing we can say is that the whole RIT community takes pride in such students and their ideas. This is how you change the world. Go Tigers!!