Global Student Government Consortium in Dubai
By Andrea Đanić, SG President
This September I had the pleasure to attend the Global Student Government Consortium that took place in Dubai, along with my colleagues; Marta Primorac and Jana Krstić, vice presidents, and Iva Vuković, the Head of Marketing and Clubs. Our agenda included workshops on student engagement, the history of Student Government, different campuses, leadership, and effective communication. Our students were also introduced to the culture and heritage of UAE. Lastly, we had an opportunity to go to the top of Burj Khalifa. The main outcome of the consortium was the Global Video Project that will be showed at every participating campus.
Participating in the Global Student Government Consortium was such a great experience! We had an opportunity to learn from our advisors and peers from global campuses. Everything that we have learned, from student engagement to leadership, will help us to contribute even more to our campuses. In every consortium, students find new ways to improve student life and advocate for students in a better way, and this consortium wasn’t an exception. Not only that, but we had an invaluable opportunity to meet colleagues from Dubai, Rochester, and Kosovo. We had an opportunity to get an insight into their daily lives and to expand our network. Lastly, it’s always great to teach someone else our ways and how the Student Government at RIT Croatia functions. By preparing a presentation and explaining our structure, we developed a deeper understanding of our community and a sense of appreciation.
Even though we currently don’t know where the next consortium will take place, it will for sure be at one of the global RIT’s campuses. It will for sure bring even more benefits to our students! If you want to get in touch with our Student Government, follow us on social media @sgzagreb or contact us directly via email