Join us at the NO VOICE ZONE and learn the basics of American Sign Language!

Join us at the NO VOICE ZONE and learn the basics of American Sign Language!

October 23, 2018
It is events like these that demonstrate the best side of being immersed into diverse communities while studying! Student Government of Dubrovnik Campus and Study Abroad students from the Rochester campus that are currently spending a semester in Dubrovnik are jointly organizing a NO VOICE ZONE! The first session is taking place on Friday, October 26 in Room 11, from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm, and all RIT Croatia community members who wish to join us and learn the basics of the American Sign Language can sign up for the event at the Dubrovnik Student Services Reception desk!

The idea was initiated by Andrea Kecić, an HTM senior student who spent her junior year studying at the Rochester campus. Being exposed to various activities gave her a better insight into everything that RIT offers, but it also gave her lots of new ideas that can easily be implemented at the global campuses as well.

"Having spent the whole year abroad on Rochester campus I have had the opportunity to be surrounded by Deaf Culture and American Sign Language. Something great that they have on campus in Rochester is No Voice Zone. That is a workshop where Deaf and Hard of Hearing students teach other students American Sign Language. Coming back to this campus and meeting Deaf and Hard of Hearing students who have come to study abroad for the semester I decided it was time to try and organize it on this campus as well. When I got a green light from the current study abroad students, I have immediately reached out to my connections in Rochester and Dubai Student Government and I am thankful for both presidents for helping me either to connect with the right people or share the material they already have. Luckily, Allison Higgins was kind enough to work with me and she convinced her friends, Guillermo Burgos, and Ryan Clark-Sulkey to help out as well. I am thankful to all of them, as well as the interpreters Stephanie Sowa and Maxfield Orr, for contributing to this initiative with their knowledge, time and most importantly friendship. I am really excited about this project because I think it gives our students a great opportunity to learn about an awesome culture and learn the basics of American Sign Language. ASL is a wonderful and unexpected skill that will not only enrich all of us personally but will help us welcome all future Deaf and Hard of Hearing students who come to study abroad on our campus", concluded Adrea.

So, don't hesitate to be exposed to something different, hurry up and sign in as the seating is limited.

We really look forward to seeing you all there!