Kaffeetreff - Chit chat in German at RIT Croatia

Kaffeetreff - Chit chat in German at RIT Croatia

February 22, 2019

On Thursday, February 21 professor Nikolina Božinović organized the first German conversational table (Kaffeetreff) in this semester, which took part in Gaffe Pub Dubrovnik. There were close to 10 students taking part in this event, joined by professor Francis Brassard as well. The goal of this conversational table was to practice German language in a friendly and spontaneous environment.

"Students reacted positively to this opportunity; they were happy to participate as this was a great way to practice verbal skills in German outside of classroom. I am looking forward to continuing with this practice as I believe there is no better way of improving the knowledge of foreign language than being exposed to it as often as possible", commented prof. Božinović .