Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award

Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award

April 23, 2019

Recipients of the Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award are RIT students who have completed over 83 credit hours of study and have an established cumulative grade point average of 3.85 in the previous semester. Alongside that, this award given to students is a strong reminder that hard work is always praised and never unnoticed.

"We appreciate and value the efforts and accomplishments of all of our students and our alumni. We take particular pride in the academic accomplishments of our Outstanding Undergraduate Scholars - these are the students who truly put in the extra effort and excel in their studies. Appropriately, we enjoy recognizing and celebrating their superb academic achievements." - Don Hudspeth, Dean of RIT Croatia

This year, 6 students received this award for their tremendous efforts. One of which, Mislav Horvatić, received his award at RIT's main campus in Rochester, New York while studying abroad.

Recipients of the Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award 2019:

Luka Crnjaković
Tea Franjić
Mislav Horvatić
Andrea Kecić
Nikola Lenert
Petra Todorović

Students are allowed to invite one faculty/staff member that has been an impact on their academic journey up to this point and whom they wish to celebrate this great accomplishment with over a dinner that is hosted by the dean, Don Hudspeth. The dinner to acknowledge the student's hard work is held both in Dubrovnik and Zagreb, allowing both RIT Croatia campuses to be involved in receiving the award.

Nikola Lenert celebrated this exciting evening with his professor and mentor, Dr. Domagoj Tolić: "Nikola Lenert is one of those students that make us proud of choosing the teaching profession. Nikola's dedication to work hard and learn from the mistakes made while mastering the obstacles put in front of him for the first time in his life are exceptional." - Dr. Domagoj Tolić, RIT Croatia Faculty

Being able to celebrate this award with an individual who has made an impact on these students educational path, means a great deal to them. Student, Tea Franjić, invited a staff member, Alice Almer, to join her in this exciting celebration. "I met Tea in her Freshman year and have watched her develop and grow over the past 4 years. Tea knows what she wants, and isn't afraid to ask for it or go after it. And that is just one of her qualities that I admire. When I look at her, I know that there's a bright future for the Gen-Z and that they will contribute to the development of our societies." - Alice Almer, RIT Croatia Marketing and Communications Manager

Luka Crnjaković, who was accompanied by Dr. Maja Vidović, remembered his overall educational journey and what pushed him to strive for academic success stating: "I remember being a freshman on my first Dean's List dinner where the Dean awarded that year's awards and thinking, 'Wow, wouldn't it be great to be in those guys shoes three years from now'. Fast forward to the present day, I am in those shoes and it's truly an honor." - Luka Crnjaković, Information Technology / Web and Mobile Computing Senior

To be a mentor to these exceptional students also means a great deal, as well as the opportunity to share this moment with them, is an award in itself. Professor Milena Kužnin, who accompanied Andrea Kecić, an HTM senior, had something to say about the honorary night as well: " I am humbled by Andrea and extremely proud of her as a student and a decent human being. She makes the difference and is a positive influence on the people and the environment that she occupies. I wish nothing but the best to her." - Milena Kuznin, HTM Faculty

Yet, the most important of all is the appraisal that these students received for their hard work and commitment to their studies. Petra Todorić, an HTM senior and recipient fo this award, celebrated the evening accompanied by her professor, Kevin Walker and had this to say about receiving her award: The feeling of being an outstanding undergraduate scholar is a feeling of great achievement and satisfaction for being recognized as such. It is also proof to myself that I achieved my self-expectations; I wanted to be in this position of a recognized student, and I achieved it with my work and dedication." - Petra Todorović, HTM Senior

Congratulations to all recipients for receiving this outstanding award and all the hard work that was put towards this great accomplishment. We wish you all great success and to continue striving for absolute greatness!