Professor Timothy H. Engström from RIT on Why Philosophy of Technology Matters

Professor Timothy H. Engström from RIT on "Why Philosophy of Technology Matters"

September 20, 2019

This week both campuses of RIT Croatia had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Timothy H. Engström, a distinguished professor form RIT's Department of Philosophy at College of Liberal Arts. Professor Engström held a series of interesting lectures to engaged students of various year levels on the topics "Why Philosophy of Technology Matters" and "Why Philosophy Needs Fiction".

More on Timothy H. Engstöm:

Before receiving his Ph.D. from Edinburgh University, Scotland, in 1987, Tim studied at St. Lawrence University, NY, and at the Universities of Lund, Sweden, and Tübingen and Göttingen, Germany. He has been a been a Visiting Professor at Malmö University, Sweden, a Visiting Researcher at the University of Marburg, Germany, and twice been awarded a Visiting Fellow position at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities in Edinburgh, Scotland. He has served twice as Department Chair of Philosophy; he is a two-time winner of RIT's Eisenhart Award for Outstanding Teaching; and has served twice as Vice-Chair of RIT's Academic Senate. His publications and research have been shaped by American Pragmatism, especially in dialogue with 19th and 20th-century French and German philosophy. His work concentrates in the areas of philosophy of art and literature, philosophy of technology, philosophy of mind, rhetorical theory and meta-philosophy.