Puppy love continues: another successful dog therapy event at Žarkovica Animal Shelter

Puppy love continues: another successful dog therapy event at Žarkovica Animal Shelter

October 24, 2019

Since the dog therapy community service events held last academic year were so successful, Student Government members decided to motivate students at the Dubrovnik campus to gather around and pay another visit to Žarkovica Dog shelter on Saturday, October 19th.

It turned out that the weather was in their favor again and it was a perfect day to be spent sharing some puppy love and giving a helping hand to hard working volunteers at the shelter.

"Since our students have a soft spot when it comes to animals in need, we decided to make this event a regular one on our event list for each semester. As we already have a connection with Ms. Sandra Sambrailo from the shelter, we called her and arranged everything. She was happy to hear from us again. As always they welcomed us in a best way possible and took us on a "tour" through the shelter. We instantly fell in love with some puppies, but did not forget other animals too. Some of them were following us all the time and we made a strong connection with them", said Bruna Mratinović, one of the SG members and continues to conclude "when we had surveys about events they wish to participate in given to our students, they have put Dong Therapy at Žarkovica as an event that should take place more often. People are happy when they hear we will have dog therapy and therefore we are considering ourselves to successfully contribute to student life in the best way possible."