RIT again ranked No. 1 game design school on the East Coast Animation Career Review names RIT one of the nation’s best colleges to study video game design

RIT again ranked No. 1 game design school on the East Coast Animation Career Review names RIT one of the nation's best colleges to study video game design

Animation Career Review has again named Rochester Institute of Technology the top game design school on the East Coast. RIT also ranked second on the list of Top 50 Game Design Schools in the U.S., moving up from third in 2017.

The 2018 rankings were created by Animation Career Review, an online resource for aspiring animation, game design and development, graphic design and digital art professionals. The annual list also named RIT the top game design school in New York state and second best private school nationally.

Read more at the following link: https://www.rit.edu/news/story.php?id=67017&source=enewsletter