RIT Croatia COVID-19 Alert Level System: monitoring the safety on our campuses

RIT Croatia COVID-19 Alert Level System: monitoring the safety on our campuses

August 31, 2020

Another academic year is about to start and though we are happy to see our students start and continue to achieve success in their academic lives, a lot of things have changed in just one year. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone's lives globally and made us adapt to what some call the "new normal".

"Ensuring safety of our students and employees has always been our number one priority - now more than ever," said Don Hudspeth, President and Dean of RIT Croatia. "Ever since February 2020, we have been working diligently to ensure safe environment for our students and provide them with the same high quality of education that RIT Croatia is known for. Among many novelties we have introduced, we have developed a Safety Plan that defines our operation and behavior during these times. Adhering to the competent authorities' directions and regulations, we are starting this academic year by delivering our courses on campuses and in an online environment."

Working and studying on campuses has changed. Aside from physical distancing, wearing masks and taking care of one's hygiene, RIT Croatia, as part of the RIT university has developed a color-coded COVID-19 alert level system to monitor the level of safety on our campuses.

"Though we cannot guarantee COVID-19 free environment, we have made modifications on our campuses to ensure maximum protection from facility and service delivery point of view," said Ivona Labaš, Director of Strategic Development, ITS & Facilities. "In addition, we have provided masks to all our faculty, staff and students, hand sanitizers on campuses and increased cleaning and disinfection protocols. We have shared information and directions for behavior on campuses through our Safety Plan. In order to monitor the safety level on both of our campuses we have introduced alert level system".

How do we monitor safety on our campuses?

The alert level system comprises of four colors: green, yellow, orange and red, and ranges from low to high level of risk from COVID-19 on campuses. A team of RIT Croatia officials has been appointed evaluate and monitor internal and external factors in determining the current level of safety, on a daily basis. More information about the alert levels, as well as the appropriate measures is available here: https://www.croatia.rit.edu/mitigation-strategies-and-return-to-remote-operations

In addition, we have developed an online dashboard that includes information with regards to possible number of positive cases and isolation cases related to both of our campuses. The dashboard is updated on a daily basis and available here: https://www.croatia.rit.edu/ritcroatia-ready-dashboard

We are all in this together!

Although we have been working on providing the best possible and safest environment for all our students and employees, the success in keeping it safe will depend, among other factors, on each and every individual. We each should recognize the importance of our own role and responsibility in this and contribute to make our RIT Croatia community intact if possible.

"We have always taken pride in all of our community. RIT Tigers are smart and responsible individuals that make this world a better place. I am confident that we all will do our best to keep our communities safe. I invite everyone to read our Safety Plan, and to take the RIT Croatia Safety Pledge!", said Dean Hudspeth.