Seminar Announcement: Connecting and Consuming: Three Takes on Connection in Consumption Contexts

Seminar Announcement: Connecting and Consuming: Three Takes on Connection in Consumption Contexts

We are happy to announce and to invite you on our next Science and Research Seminar on the topic of "Connecting and Consuming: Three Takes on Connection in Consumption Contexts"

The speakers are:
dr. Tanya Chartrand

(Roy J Bostock Professor at Duke University)
dr. Gavan Fitzsimons

(R. David Thomas Professor at Duke University)
dr. Michael Platt

(James S. Riepe University Professor at the University of Pennsylvania)

The event will take place on June 14th, 9-11 am. RIT Croatia is hosting this event at the Dubrovnik campus, and Zagreb campus will be connected from the meeting room.


In this session, Professors Chartrand, Fitzsimons and Platt will present three perspectives on the emerging field of connecting with others in consumption settings. Professor Chartrand will talk about the role brand compatibility (when your brand preferences either do or do not match your romantic partner's) plays in our lives. Professor Fitzsimons will discuss how we at times use brand choice as a way to express frustration at our romantic partner's, even without their knowledge. Finally, Professor Platt will discuss the neuroscience underlying social connection and its implications in business settings.