Students volunteering at the Animal Shelter Žarkovica

Students volunteering at the Animal Shelter Žarkovica

November 12, 2018

On Saturday, November 10, a group of our students from the Dubrovnik campus, organized by Student Government, volunteered at the Animal Shelter Žartkovica on Mountain Srđ! It was a perfect, sunny day and students were excited to spend time with some of over 300 dogs that are currently at the shelter. Students made an effort to donate the much needed food, help and most importantly love to the cute dogs!

We are extremely happy that both our students and the dogs had a great time and that a great deal of love was exchanged! J

If you would like to find out more about our adorable little animal friends you can do so through the shelter's Facebook page UDOMI ME Žarkovica- Dubrovnik

Keep spreading happiness!