Switching Zagreb for Rochester: Dora’s Study Aboard Experience
Benefits of the Global Scholars program which enables RIT students to spend 1-2 semesters at one of its campuses around the world
By Angela J. Krčelić, a Chicago Gal and RIT Croatia alumna
Dora Rašin was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, by parents who are of Croatian origin. Three years ago, she relocated to Croatia to enroll at RIT Croatia. RIT Croatia opened its first campus 25 years ago in Dubrovnik, being the first global campus of the prominent American university, Rochester Institute of Technology from New York, USA. By doing this, they opened the doors to both private higher education in Croatia, and to the first U.S. college in Croatia. More than 2,800 students have graduated from both Dubrovnik and Zagreb campuses, and are now developing their careers and setting trends in more than 40 countries worldwide.
There are several benefits to studying at RIT Croatia. One of them is their RIT Global Scholars program. The Global Scholars program enables RIT students to spend 1-2 semesters at one of its campuses around the world. Hence, this program allows RIT Croatia to have the opportunity to continue their studies in the U.S or Asia.
Dora decided to use this opportunity. As she is majoring in international business after earning double minors in management and psychology, she continued her studies at the main campus in Rochester to experience the American college student lifestyle. Even though she´s missing classic Croatian coffee breaks on campus in Zagreb, she´s having a great time being a student in the U.S.
What are the biggest differences between studying at RIT Croatia in Rochester and in Zagreb?
One of the biggest differences between studying in Rochester and in Zagreb is that you live with other RIT students your age. While you can live either on or off campus, I live on campus because it’s super easy to get to classes, go to the gym, go grocery shopping, hang out with friends, and so much more. The whole campus compared to Rochester is like a city within a city, which is such a cool thing to experience.
There are also so many clubs and things to get involved in, like sororities, volunteering opportunities in the city, and just fun events planned for students. A skydiving club, visits by alumni to give career advice, and therapy dogs are just a handful of the events that are available at RIT.
Meal plans and student cafeterias on every corner make it much easier to get food between classes compared to Zagreb, although I have to say Croatian food is better. The campus is also much bigger (which makes sense, as there are over 19,000 students). Two of my classes are in auditoriums, which I’ve always wanted to experience in college, as I would always see it in movies and TV shows while growing up.
While there’s not too much to see in the city in terms of student life, my friends and I have been taking advantage of any days off and long weekends to see a little bit of the US, which has been so much fun.
What does your average day look like at RIT’s main campus in Rochester?
I start my day by eating breakfast in our apartment since we have a kitchen, which is so convenient. I then get ready for and walk about 5-10 minutes to get to my earliest class. When my class ends at around 12:15 PM, I go back home, talk with my roommates for a little bit, and we all get lunch together. My next class isn’t until 3:30 PM, so I have a bit of time to study in the study rooms. After my class ends at 4:45 PM, my roommate and I will sometimes get a coffee (keeping in touch with Croatian coffee culture, of course) and sit by the fire pit, relaxing for a little bit. Then I do laundry and some other chores. I might also work a shift as a dishwasher at RIT Dining. On days when I’m not working, depending on how much schoolwork I have (and my motivation levels), I’ll go to the gym at around 8 PM.
What are things that surprised you about studying at the main campus?
I was honestly just surprised by the sheer number of things there is to do on campus. Everybody, from fellow students to professors, want you to get involved. It seems every day I walk to my classes, new student-led booths pop up along the way, from food trucks to fraternities hosting ice bucket challenges.
Do you recommend studying abroad?
Absolutely! If you have the chance to do it, you should, because it gives you the chance to explore so many different places, see what everyday life is like in a different country, make lifelong friends, take new classes, figure out things you like, and all around enrich your life.
What was the main reason you decided to study abroad?
I wanted to have an American college experience. I always saw how different my experiences were compared to my friends studying in the US in terms of classes and student life, so I really wanted to see them for myself. I also often miss aspects of American culture while in Croatia, so studying in the US was a great way to reconnect with those aspects, such as celebrating Halloween, celebrating Thanksgiving, and some classic fall activities like apple picking.
What do you miss most about RIT Croatia?
I definitely miss my friends. I find myself reminiscing on all the coffee breaks between classes and making memories. At times I also miss the independence I had in Croatia, just because I felt more like an adult, like having my own apartment.
What have you learned so far during your experience studying abroad?
I’ve found that it’s mostly up to you to seek out opportunities. There are so many resources at RIT, from career advisors to business clubs, but it’s in your best interest to try and figure out how to balance everything out. See what you like, and what you want to get involved in, and do it! You’re only 21 and studying abroad in Rochester for once in your life, so take full advantage of it :)