WMC students Džejla Šuman and Emanuel Ivan Mlikota win RIT Croatia’s 25th Anniversary Themed Creativity Contest
As part of RIT Croatia's celebration of its 25th anniversary, the college organized a creativity competition for its students. Students were invited to produce a video, an image, or a text on the topic of celebrating 25 years of RIT Croatia.
"I love creating and I enjoy participating in various RIT Croatia projects, so naturally, this seemed like a great way to celebrate the anniversary, and that is why I applied," said Džejla and added: "I was intrigued by the option of writing a haiku, and wanted to give it a try, since I've never written one before. This particular haiku represents the growth that I've been through my four years at RIT Croatia - my experiences showed me that everything I thought I couldn't ever achieve is actually very much possible and I think I've already started that journey."
Upon the evaluation of the student work received by a committee of eight faculty and staff members, we are pleased to announce our winners: Džejla Šuman, Web and Mobile Computing student and Emanuel Ivan Mlikota, also a Web and Mobile Computing student. The winners will be awarded with RIT Croatia's limited edition of 25 year themed memorabilia.
Here you can see the winning works:
Džejla Šuman, WMC student
Emanuel Ivan Mlikota, WMC student
Congrats to both!