WMC students Džejla Šuman and Emanuel Ivan Mlikota win RIT Croatia’s 25th Anniversary Themed Creativity Contest

WMC students Džejla Šuman and Emanuel Ivan Mlikota win RIT Croatia's 25th Anniversary Themed Creativity Contest

April 25, 2022

As part of RIT Croatia's celebration of its 25th anniversary, the college organized a creativity competition for its students. Students were invited to produce a video, an image, or a text on the topic of celebrating 25 years of RIT Croatia.

"I love creating and I enjoy participating in various RIT Croatia projects, so naturally, this seemed like a great way to celebrate the anniversary, and that is why I applied," said Džejla and added: "I was intrigued by the option of writing a haiku, and wanted to give it a try, since I've never written one before. This particular haiku represents the growth that I've been through my four years at RIT Croatia - my experiences showed me that everything I thought I couldn't ever achieve is actually very much possible and I think I've already started that journey."

Upon the evaluation of the student work received by a committee of eight faculty and staff members, we are pleased to announce our winners: Džejla Šuman, Web and Mobile Computing student and Emanuel Ivan Mlikota, also a Web and Mobile Computing student. The winners will be awarded with RIT Croatia's limited edition of 25 year themed memorabilia.

Here you can see the winning works:

Džejla Šuman, WMC student

Emanuel Ivan Mlikota, WMC student

Congrats to both!