WMC students presenting at the Javantura conference

WMC students presenting at the Javantura conference

April 14, 2020

Enrolling into RIT Croatia's IT / Web and Mobile Computing programs enables students not only to prepare for sought-after professions in the areas of programming, web and mobile application design and development, and database modeling, but to work on real business cases and interact with potential employers. Furthermore, students have the possibility to work on student research projects and present their experiences and findings to industry experts. Each year, stellar students present their work at the prominent Javantura conference, held in Croatia.

Organized by the Croatian Java User Association (HUJAK), Javantura evolved into one of the biggest Java community conferences in the region. This year, our students Dora Beronić, Dino Muharemagić, Paula Pufek, and Matija Šipek presented their research at the 7th Javantura conference in Zagreb.

This experience was absolutely amazing, one year ago I could not have even imagined that I would get such an opportunity!

"It was my first presenting at a conference, and it was amazing, a bit frightening though; however, I presented many times in different courses so I could say that I was well prepared," says Dora. "We presented our research on the improvement of performance in Java with the help of structured concurrency with the help of virtual threads, also known as fibers. The Loom project that we explored and tested is about creating a new version of threads in Java's JVM, which run independently of operating system threads, thus making them significantly faster than the current implementation."

When it comes to studying, she is particularly satisfied with the fact that the college focuses on a hands-on approach, teaching students to develop relevant knowledge and skills and implement their ideas in real life projects. "As a student, I enjoy working on research projects and feel confident about presenting them to potential clients and employers, because I truly understand their perspective," says Dora and adds: "To me personally this experience showed me that I can achieve almost anything, and it taught me that positive environment such as RIT Croatia, positive mindset and some hard work could get you anywhere."