Workshop on graduate program study abroad opportunities

Workshop on graduate program study abroad opportunities

February 15, 2019

On Wednesday, January 30th, Admissions Office organized an info session for our 3rd and 4th-year students with Ms. Maja Balen from IRO - Institute for the Development of Education at our Zagreb campus. Ms. Balen talked about different graduate program study abroad opportunities and about different aspects of the application process. Based on the feedback and student interest, an additional info session for both campuses was organized.

In order to offer support and assistance to our students in preparation for applying to graduate programs, Adriana Ljutić Gudelj from Admissions Office took on an additional role in which she will be a point person for questions related to grad studies. Adriana will organize workshops and info sessions covering topics such as writing a motivational letter, looking for scholarships, and in general - picking the right school and the right program when deciding where to continue their studies.