Young Chef of the Year nominee Roko Nikolić – Successfully Combining Management Skills with Being a Chef

Young Chef of the Year Nominee Roko Nikolić - Successfully Combining Management Skills with Being a Chef

February 4, 2022

Lifelong learning - a form of self-initiated education with the goal to better oneself professionally and personally, has been all the hype recently, and our Alum Roko Nikolić, chef and managing partner at the Locanda Blu restaurant in Rovinj, is a living proof of how far the thirst for knowledge and discovering ones' true passion in life can lead.

Recently nominated for the Young Chef of the Year Award by portal, Roko continues to prove to himself and to others that the search for knowledge does not stop once you get your college degree. His education started in 2014 at RIT Croatia's Dubrovnik campus, where he graduated from the Hospitality and Tourism Management program in 2018. After graduating, Roko decided to pursue an education in culinary arts. He decided to attend the first Croatian culinary institute - Kul In, and afterwards he enrolled to the Alma-La scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana, which is one of the top three culinary academies in the world. The Alma program is eight months long and consists of three months in school education, and a five-month internship in any restaurant in Italy. The better grades you get in the three months in school, the better restaurant you get for the internship. Roko was quite the nerd, so he got a 2 Michelin star restaurant in Tuscany for his internship. The restaurant is called Arnolfo, with the main chef Gaetano Trovato, and he has been holding his 2 Michelin stars since 1986.

Arnolfo was really a life changing experience for Roko. He would go to work, and every day he would see something that he has never even knew existed. It was hard work and a lot of it, but at the end of the day, it was worth it, according to Roko. At the end of his internship, they offered him a job and he accepted. However, due to the entire situation with Covid-19 pandemics, he had to come back to Croatia. Turned out pretty well, we would say…

Q: You have finished your BS degree at RIT Croatia, graduating from the HTM program. How did this experience assist you in your career path, especially when it comes to successfully running a restaurant?

Roko Nikolić: Studying HTM at RIT Croatia really helped me a lot. The classes we've had were very specific and applicable in the real business world. They were also very up to date with what is going on in the ever-moving dynamic world of hospitality. All this combined with doing co-ops (mandatory internships) while studying is something that, in my opinion, gave us a head start over students from other universities. From the beginning of my education at RIT Croatia, I did all kinds of co-ops. They were mostly F&B oriented because that is what I chose to do in life, but I also did co-ops in marketing, revenue management, IT firms, etc. This gave me a better understanding of the industry, and gave me options to choose what I wanted to do. In addition, when first starting in the culinary world, I felt like I was learning much faster than others were because of my F&B management knowledge. This would not be the case if I have not gone through RIT Croatia's HTM program before.

Q: How did you discover your passion for cuisine?

Roko Nikolić: My passion for food came from my home. In my family food is something that is valued, and something that we see as our heritage and tradition. This heritage is to be nurtured, because it is a big part of our culture.

Q: What do you think about the importance of lifelong learning and continuous development?

Roko Nikolić: I think that lifelong learning is crucial for every person that wants to do his/hers job on the top level. I love my job because I always feel like I am learning something new. Every dish is different, every menu is different, and every day is different.

There is a quote from chef Auguste Escoffier that says "Novelty is the universal cry". In the restaurant industry I think that will always be the case. Guests will always want to try something new. This is what pushes me to constantly learn and develop my skills.

Q: In your opinion, is it equally important to be an exceptional chef, as well as a very successful manager, in order to run a restaurant?

Roko Nikolić: I knew for a long time that I want to have my own restaurant, but I used to think that I don't have to be a chef to manage it. In time, I saw that it is impossible to truly manage a restaurant without knowing the kitchen operations. This is because the biggest authority in every good restaurant comes from the kitchen, and it is where the most of the work is done. I think that this also works the other way around. It is impossible to be a good chef without understanding management principals. For me personally it would be impossible to do my job without having both of these skills.

Q: You were recently nominated for the Young Chef of the Year award by, one of the most distinguished gastro portals in Croatia. What does this nomination mean to you professionally and personally? When do you expect the results?

Roko Nikolić: Professionally, this nomination is a big boost in terms of my reputation and brings many new opportunities. It is also a big responsibility. Now, guests, partners and investors will have higher expectations, which is good but it also puts a bit more pressure. Personally, it is a big motivation to continue doing what I love with the same spark and passion.

Q: What would be your message to all young people who are about to graduate and are on the lookout for new challenges in their lives?

Roko Nikolić: My message would be: Never stop learning and find your passion. Combine the two and the sky is the limit.