Zeraxo experts present an interesting mobile app - Flou

Zeraxo experts present an interesting mobile app - Flou

October 22, 2019

An integral and very important part of RIT Croatia education includes guest lectures from people in the business. This Friday, October 19, our IT / WMC students had a pleasure of listening to Mr. Nino Črljenec and Mr. Goran Nikšić from from Zeraxo d.o.o., a software development and online marketing agency. These two engineers held a presentation to our students about a really interesting mobile app Flou. Flou is a cross-platform mobile app (Android+iOS) with an administrative web application, developed entirely by the company Zeraxo that allows users to easily search and select sports activities (by location, time, and preferred activities) and pay for it. The application combines sports activities (fitness centers, yoga, dance centers, martial arts, outdoor sports etc). It allows users to for example book gym memberships, secure participation in various other sports and recreational activities, with custom scheduling and various payment options.

Zeraxo experts talked to our students presenting the Flou from when it was just an idea, through technology and implementation, all the way to a live app and the birth of a startup! Most of the focus was given to technology choices and thought processes of Zeraxo team, which led to the creation of this unique app.