Roar to Succeed

Successful students engage in classwork, experiences, and the RIT Croatia community throughout their entire academic journey. This means showing up, asking for help, getting involved, setting healthy habits, and staying focused on your career goals.
We want to ensure you have everything you need to thrive both academically and personally. That’s why we have created the Roar to Succeed initiative to help you make the most of your time at RIT Croatia by raising awareness of the incredible resources available to you!

You come ready to take initiative, and we’ll support you along the way to success.

Fall Semester

Build healthy habits.

Did you know? Attending class is important. Set healthy habits from the first week, and make going to class a priority.

  • Go to class: This tip will never go out of style. Students who attend class perform better. Set yourself up for success by attending every class.
  • Read you syllabus: Each course has a syllabus that contains important information including office hours, assignment due dates, learning objectives, and grading policies. Read for all classes!  
  • Create a calendar: Effective time management and strong organizational abilities are key traits of academic success. Take the due dates from your syllabus and put them in your calendar now. 

Create connections.

Did you know? Successful students get involved in the campus community. Join a club or go to a social event this week!

  • Join a club: meet new friends, enjoy new hobbies!
  • Make a class connection: introduce yourself to someone in your class! Get to know new people in your program and exchange emails so that you have someone to contact in case you miss class info.
  • Go to office hours: office hours are there to get to know your professors and ask questions. No need to book a meeting, just walk in and say hi!

Manage your time.

Did you know? RIT Croatia has many resources to support you including time management toolkits, tutoring services, and study strategies.

  • Do a task you've been avoiding: Procrastinating is a slippery slope to falling behind. Take back control and finish an assignment you've been putting off, start writing your paper, or drop into office hours.
  • Make a to-do list: The Academic Success Center has great to do list templates as well as a semester long calendar to keep track of what is due 3-4 weeks out.
  • Find your favorite study space: What kind of lighting is best? What noise level do you prefer? What seating style is your favorite? Find a few places on campus that work best for you such as the quiet lab, the library, or ask reception to use a quiet room.

Take care of yourself.

How are you doing? Do you have a self-care routine? Check in with your wellness habits this week.

  • Call a friend or loved one: It's natural to feel homesick. Call or text someone from home this week or make an effort to invite an RIT Croatia friend to get a meal together and chat.
  • Get a full night's sleep: A full night's sleep helps your brain process the content you learned in class. If you can, do your studying somewhere besides your bed so you are in a stress-free zone when it's time to sleep.
  • Need someone to talk to? RIT Croatia provides counselling services to all of our students to help you succeed and navigate your college journey. Contact your Ombudsperson, Tamara Lipnjak at for more information.

Think about your career goals.

Did you know? Goal setting helps you succeed. Start thinking about your career goals so you can determine what steps you need to accomplish them.

  • Update your LinkedIn and resume: If you haven't created or updated your resume and LinkedIn recently, now is a great time. Review tips from Career Services or make an appointment for a resume review.
  • Meet your Career Services Advisor: All RIT Croatia students have a dedicated Career Services Advisor to support you in your co-op and job search. Career Services Advisors are assigned based on program and are listed under at the link below. E-mail your Career Services Advisor to set up a 1:1 goal setting meeting.
  • Attend a guest lecture this month: Career Services regularly organizes guest lectures with great speakers from the industry on various current topics. Check your e-mail and the events page for more information.

Ask for help.

Did you know? Asking for help is nothing more than starting a conversation! Don’t wait to speak up.

  • Ask a question during class: It may feel like you're the only one with a question, but that's almost never the case. Ask questions as they come up to help your instructor clarify topics rather than sitting there confused. Odds are you're helping a classmate as well!
  • Go to an office hours: All faculty list office hours on the syllabus. Use them! Asking for help is not a weakness, it's a conversation and a tool for success. Think about where you’re getting stuck, then ask for help. Don't wait until it's too late.
  • Invite a friend to study together: Studying with a friend can increase your motivation and help you stay accountable to get your work done. Actively engage in your studies by talking about topics out loud and tackle complex concepts together.

Stay active.

Did you know? By staying active, college students can enhance their overall well-being, improve academic performance, and enjoy a healthier, more balanced college experience.

  • Incorporate daily walks or runs: Even a 30-minute walk or jog around campus can significantly reduce stress levels and clear the mind. It’s also a great way to explore the campus and get some fresh air.
  • Join a fitness class or sports team: RIT Croatia provides you with a fitness membership at a gym that offers group fitness classes and we have our own sports teams. Participating in these activities not only ensures regular exercise but also enhances time management and discipline, which can translate into better study habits.
  • Organize group activities: Plan regular group hikes, bike rides, or even friendly sports matches with friends or classmates. These activities not only keep you active but also strengthen social bonds and provide a fun break from academic responsibilities.

Maintain your routine.

Did you know? Establishing a strong academic and personal routine will help you stay on track. Set your routine and stick to it.

  • Go to class (& participate!): You'll recognize this tip because it will never go out of style. Set yourself up for success by attending every class and actively participate.
  • Revisit your study schedule: This is a great time in the semester to check in with your readings and assignments. Are you sticking to your schedule? Stay on track with a steady routine.
  • Do a task you've been avoiding: Here's another tip you'll recognize... procrastinating is a slippery slope. Take back control and finish an assignment you've been putting off, start writing your paper, or drop into office hours.

Prepare for registration.

Did you know? You can build your schedule ahead of your registration appointment! Go into SIS and add courses to your "shopping cart". When your registration time arrives, you'll just need to hit submit.

  • Meet with your advisor: Schedule an appointment now before all the timeslots fill up. Your advisor will help you identify courses for spring semester and keep you on track to an on-time graduation.
  • Build your spring schedule in SIS: Your "shopping cart" opens this week. This means you can go into SIS and start loading your desired spring courses into your cart. Get this ready ahead of time so that when your registration comes, you just have to hit submit.
  • Check & organize your email: With registration approaching, keep an eye on your RIT email for important information. Email is how your instructors and advisors will communicate, so get in the habit of checking and cleaning your email regularly.
  • Enrollment appointments: Be sure to keep on top of your enrollment date and login to SIS at 8:00am as course registration is done on a first-come first-served basis.
    • Year 4: November 19th
    • Year 3: November 20th
    • Year 2: November 21st
    • Year 1: November 22nd

Off week.

Get cozy.

Did you know? As the weather gets colder, check in with your self-care routine. Thinking is easier when you stay warm and relieve stress!

  • Bundle up to walk outside: As fall comes to a close and winter approaches, it's important to stay cozy. Dress appropriately for the weather and take care of yourself.
  • Do a stress relief activity: Whether it's going for a walk outside, getting coffee with a friend, or working on an art project, find a way to de-stress this week. Check out the RIT Libraries De-stress Resources if you need some ideas.
  • Take mindful breaks: When studying or working, take short breaks to relax your mind. Try deep breathing or simply listening to music. These mindful moments can help you reset and keep stress at bay throughout the day.

Finish strong.

Did you know? The last days of classes are upon us and final exams are just about to start. You can finish the semester strong! We believe in you.

  • Check your deadlines: Make sure you have all your final dates and deadlines correct and are ready when they arrive.
  • Prepare your exam supplies: Put your pens, pencils, calculator, and erasers in your bag now so they are ready for exam day! Don't rely on the old pen you've used all semester... make sure you've got a backup.
  • Show up to exams 5-10 minutes early: Get to your exam room early to get settled and relaxed before the exam starts. You don't want to be stressing about being late, so give yourself plenty of time.
  • Meet with a study group: Rekindle an old study group, or start a new one! Connect with classmates to plan some study sessions ahead of your final.

Final exams: December 12th-18th

Off week.

You did it.

  • Celebrate YOU: Take a minute to think back on everything you accomplished this semester: all the assignments, all the class time, all the hard work. Great job! Take a minute to celebrate your accomplishments and the next step toward your career goals.
  • Have a safe and relaxing break: Reconnect and recharge over break with your family and friends. We look forward to seeing you back in January!
  • RIT Croatia Winter Break: December 23rd - January 19th. RIT Croatia will be closed for break from December 23 to January 2. Offices will reopen on January 3rd ahead of the spring semester. Have a happy, safe, and restful winter break!
  • First day of spring classes: Spring semester begins on January 20th. We look forward to another great semester ahead!

Spring Semester

Need Help? Contact us.

Any question, big or small, we're here for you! Visit during open hours or call or message us to connect. 

Dubrovnik campus: 

Zagreb campus:

Ombudsperson for Dubrovnik and Zagreb campuses: