Advising Resources

A variety of resources and guides related to Academic Advising at RIT Dubai are available, as well as policies and guides, and instructions on using SIS.

Some of the links on this page are only accessible
when you are logged into your RIT email account.

General Advising

Semester Codes

Confused by semester codes, such as 2191 and 2205? Here's how to read the semester codes:

  1. Determine the Academic Year the term is part of. The Academic Year consists of Fall, Spring, Summer. Example: 2023-2024 (Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Summer 2024)
  2. Take the year the academic year starts in. (Example: 2023)
  3. Take out the first 0. (Example: 223-)
  4. Add the appropriate digit for the term:
    Fall: -1 (Example: Fall 2023 = 2231)
    Spring: -5 (Example: Spring 2024 = 2235)
    Summer: -8 (Example: Summer 2024 = 2238

Email Etiquette 

These guides can help you write organized, professional, and effective emails.

The subject should briefly, but clearly, summarize the content of your message. This helps the reader know at a glance what your email is about. Then they can respond more efficiently, and refer back to your email more easily. For example: “PSYC 101 – quiz 1 prep.”

The more detailed your question is, the easier it will be to answer. Include any relevant resources that your question is referring to (screenshots, emails, attachments, website, etc.) for a more efficient email exchange that makes everybody happy.

Using proper English, that is! Write in full, complete sentences. Check back over your message for any grammar, spelling, or punctuation mistakes. Even if you are using your phone to email, your email should not sound like a text message. That goes for abbreviations, too! Abbrevs are ew.

Make sure you let the reader know who you are! One of the most common mistakes students make is not including a signature at the bottom of their email. This can be confusing and mre for an inefficient email exchange. Make sure to sign off with your full name, program, year level, and UID.

Your email should be kind, courteous, and respectful. “Please” and “thank you” go a long way! Remember, professors and staff are here to help. Once you click send, be patient – don’t expect an immediate reply! While you wait, reflect on the satisfaction of knowing that you email like a boss. With such a pro email, you’ll probably receive a reply in no time.

Download the Email Etiquette 101 flier

Transfer and Test Credit

If you are interested in transferring in credit from another institution or from AP,  IB, or A-Level  exams, review the information on the RIT (N.Y.) Office of the Registrar's website and confer with your Academic Advisor.


GPA Calculator

The GPA Calculator tool will help you calculate your GPA based on estimated grades, or calculate the GPA you need in a term to achieve a certain cumulative GPA.

Courses Requiring C/C- 

Although the general passing grade at RIT Dubai is a “D,” certain courses require you to complete prerequisite courses with a grade of “C” or “C-” or better. Please make sure you are aware of the courses that apply to your major. 

Review courses requiring C/C- or better

Alternate Grading

Alternate grading options were offered in Fall and Spring 2020-2021, as well as Spring 2020.

Learn more about Alternate Grading option for 2020 and 2021

Should I Withdraw?

If you are thinking of withdrawing from a course, stop! Read this guide first for advice on how to think through your decision.

Are you consistently getting low grades or did you have just one bad grade?

Is your lowest grade worth a large or small percentage of your total grade?

Have you missed a significant number of classes, or have you been participating regularly?

How many credits would you be in if you withdrew? When would be able to make up those credits in the future?

Is this course a pre-requisite to future courses? What courses might be delayed by delaying this course?

Use the GPA calculator tool to calculate how your expected grade in this course might impact your overall GPA.

Have you gone to your professor's office hours to ask for help and develop a plan?

Have you clarified with your academic advisor the effects that withdrawing may have on your graduation plan?

Have you explored the time management and study strategies on the ASC website?

Have you tried peer tutoring?

Make a plan to get the information and support you need to make your final decision before the withdrawal deadline.

Follow your professor's or advisor's advice to improve your grade in the course as best you can.

If you and your professor decide you should withdraw, withdraw yourself on SIS before the deadline.

Using SIS and Enrollment

SIS Training

Access guides for different functions in SIS (Adding/ Dropping/ Withdrawing from classes, Your AAR, Graduation Applications, etc.)

Go to the RIT (N.Y.) SIS training guide

Enrollment Dates

Find out when your Shopping Cart opens and when you can start Enrolling for next term. Log into the Student Information System, scroll down to the "Institute Calendars & Registration Policies/Procedures" box and find the link to the Enrollment Dates pdf.

Preparing to Enroll

Guide for Undergraduates on how to choose your courses, check prerequisites, and search for classes.

Download the enrollment guide
Video instructions on enrolling, including adding, dropping, and swapping

Academic Advisement Report

Your Academic Advisement Report (AAR) is a very helpful tool that allows you to see what graduation requirements you have fulfilled and what you still have left to complete. Check this regularly to make sure you are on track.

Academic Advisement Report guide

Online Course Guidelines

If you are interested in taking any online course from RIT New York, RIT Dubai or RIT Croatia please make sure you are aware of the relevant policies and restrictions.

Learn more about online courses

Official Documents

Academic Transcripts

RIT maintains a single academic transcript reflecting all courses taken at RIT. The transcript is the university’s certified statement of your academic record.  You can print your unofficial transcript directly from SIS, but if you need an official transcript, you must order this through Parchment Services, which you can access through SIS.

Learn more about requesting academic transcripts

Academic Verifications

If you need to request an official letter providing any kind of academic verification (Enrollment Verification, Graduation Verification, etc.), please submit the details of your request through the Letter Request From.  All details included in the letter must be verified in our records.  Requests can take 3-5 business days to process, so please plan ahead.

Diploma Release

Once you have graduated, you will receive your RIT Diploma, which is identical to the certificates for the main campus and are printed in New York and sent to us by courier. These usually arrive in Dubai about 6-8 weeks after the end of each semester.

Once you have been certified for your degree, you will receive instructions by email about the clearance you will need to complete (Finance, Library, Capstone submission, etc.) for your diploma to be released to you. And then you will be informed by email once the diplomas have arrived and to arrange to pick them up from the RIT Dubai campus once you have completed all your clearance formalities.

Please contact Mr. Mourad Belmamoun at with any questions.

Website last updated: December 5, 2024