Alina Maydybura Headshot

Alina Maydybura

Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance

RIT Dubai

Alina Maydybura

Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance

RIT Dubai

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
An introduction to the way in which corporations report their financial performance to interested stakeholders such as investors and creditors. Coverage of the accounting cycle, generally accepted accounting principles, and analytical tools help students become informed users of financial statements.
3 Credits
Basic course in financial management. Covers business organization, time value of money, valuation of securities, capital budgeting decision rules, risk-return relation, Capital Asset Pricing Model, financial ratios, global finance, and working capital management.
3 Credits
Advanced course in financial management. Covers project cash-flow analysis, issuance of securities, cost of capital, debt policy, dividend policy, and market efficiency.
3 Credits
Focuses on the financial investment problems faced by individuals and institutions. Theoretical topics include asset pricing, hedging and arbitrage. Application topics include risk management in bond-and-stock portfolio context. A discussion of options, futures and swaps also is included.
3 Credits
Discusses the problems posed by the international financial environment in which corporations operate. In particular, students learn to quantify and manage risks arising from shifting exchange rates. Other topics include exchange rate systems, international trade finance, international capital budgeting, country risk analysis, and long-term international financing.
3 Credits
In this course, students learn to obtain and organize financial data and conduct financial analysis such as discounted cash flow analysis, risk analysis and financial forecasting. Sources of data include web-based sources and proprietary databases. Excel will be the main software tool.
3 Credits
Special topics seminars offer an in-depth examination of current events, issues and problems unique to finance. Specific topics will vary depending upon student and faculty interests and on recent events in the business world. Seminar topics for a specific semester will be announced prior to the course offering. These seminars may be repeated for credit since topics will normally vary from semester to semester. (Instructor determined)
0 Credits
One semester of paid work experience in finance

Website last updated: July 17, 2024